Trying to help my sister....doe bleeding-update!

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2015
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South TX
So my niece and nephew caught 2 rabbits at the county fair. They were donated by a 4-her who is very experienced and raises healthy meat breeds. We are visiting from Tx for Thanksgiving, and today my sister asked if I would come look at Polly and Sara. She said they had blood in their cage, and suspected it was from a window that had broken close by. When I got over there I was informed that the glass was cleaned up immediatly and the rabbits wernt in their cage when it hapenend. So I proceded to look them both over and find out if anything was cut or even had a piece still stuck in it. When I first turned over Polly, she had blood on her tail but no lesion. It looked like she had dragged it thru the blood on the bottom of the cage. So I naturally went to look at Sara next. As soon as I flipped her over I found the problem. She is a He! We have not seen any evidence of kits, and found more blood on hay outside the cage from last night. When I turned Polly back over she had some coming from her vent area. It's a slow trickle, almost looks like a dog in heat. It's for sure been 24 hours. What can we expect now? Has she likely miscarried? How long is it normal for her to bleed before we get concerned? Is it still possible she will kindle? She has a burrow she quickly dug yesterday afternoon, but she was still working on it when my nephew put her in the cage last night. We could see nothing except a little blood on the hay next to the burrow. Now that I have identified the problem, I would like to get your opinions and advice on what to expect and maybe what has happend. They were supposed to both be girls but are now being housed seperatly:)
Only time I had a rabbit bleed to a notable degree was due to a mis-carriage. It cleaned the evidence up rather swiftly but it left several splatters of blood under her cage (which I had never seen during a kindling). Not to say this isn't one, still provide a nestbox (sounds like she has her burrow though) and just make sure she has hay for her nest just to be safe.

As for how long is too long for her to be bleeding I'm no expert there but I would think if she's still bleeding tomorrow something really went wrong.
It does sound like a miscarriage. I've had only one due to a sudden massive heat wave. The doe bled quite a bit during the day that she miscarried, then stopped. A few days later she delivered a dead litter. She was nearly full term so the kits looked perfect. She did have a nest box and made a nest and delivered there so I think I agree on providing one, just for her comfort.
They are Red Satins, very pretty guys! Huge compared to our Hollands tho....I passed on the info and as expected she's keeping a close eye on Polly. This breeding was obvously unintentional so if no kits come they won't be too upset, but I know they are mostly concerned about their sweet momma. <br /><br /> -- Thu Nov 26, 2015 10:18 pm -- <br /><br /> Well Polly had 6 stillborn kits today. They were cold and on the floor when they were found. She is still kind of frantic and building her nest. I informed my sister that she could try to warm them up, that they may come back to life, and also to watch her for more. One of them was found about a foot outside of the cage, which sits on dirt on the garage floor. I suspect that might be a sign they were born live, and it wiggled a little ways out thru the wire onto the garage dirt floor.......but something was wrong yesterday with the pool of blood and bleeding she was doing yesterday...
I have had 2 does that I can think of that bled before they were due to kindle and went on to give birth to live kits. The most recent kindled on the 26th. She had significant amounts of blood on the cage floor and was very lethargic and not eating or drinking. She spent hours lying in the nest box with her head hanging over the edge.
She had been one of my early nest builders. I often have rabbits who start carrying hay when they are only half way through their pregnancy, at 2 weeks. When I see that I always give them a nest box and keep them supplied with hay to build with.
I was prepared to find her dead when I went out in the morning and much to my surprise there were kits in the nest box, although 2 were quite large and "stretched" appearing and dead. The others were healthy.
The doe was quite changed from her previous lethargy. She was again and eating and drinking. More blood was passed over the next few days but the kits are fat and doing fine. So is momma, so far.
macksmom98":3byt1es5 said:
So my niece and nephew caught 2 rabbits at the county fair. They were donated by a 4-her who is very experienced and raises healthy meat breeds. We are visiting from Tx for Thanksgiving, and today my sister asked if I would come look at Polly and Sara. She said they had blood in their cage, and suspected it was from a window that had broken close by. When I got over there I was informed that the glass was cleaned up immediatly and the rabbits wernt in their cage when it hapenend. So I proceded to look them both over and find out if anything was cut or even had a piece still stuck in it. When I first turned over Polly, she had blood on her tail but no lesion. It looked like she had dragged it thru the blood on the bottom of the cage. So I naturally went to look at Sara next. As soon as I flipped her over I found the problem. She is a He! We have not seen any evidence of kits, and found more blood on hay outside the cage from last night. When I turned Polly back over she had some coming from her vent area. It's a slow trickle, almost looks like a dog in heat. It's for sure been 24 hours. What can we expect now? Has she likely miscarried? How long is it normal for her to bleed before we get concerned? Is it still possible she will kindle? She has a burrow she quickly dug yesterday afternoon, but she was still working on it when my nephew put her in the cage last night. We could see nothing except a little blood on the hay next to the burrow. Now that I have identified the problem, I would like to get your opinions and advice on what to expect and maybe what has happend. They were supposed to both be girls but are now being housed seperatly:)

How deep is that burrow? Did you check it out? There could be kits in there...I would check. She also could be bleeding before kindling. Can you feel her belly and see if you feel any firm objects? You should be able to just lay your hand on her belly and press in gently.
The burrow was pretty deep but we were able to dig out a trench and get a flashlight in there, didn't see anything. We don't live there and have already returned home to TX from Thanksgiving, but before she had the 6 I did feel something in her stomach. Then the next day she had them. I doubt my sister has felt her since but she is back to normal, eating and drinking well, and a little confused as to why "Sara" is no longer in her cage.