Trying to cheat on the size of kindling cages

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2012
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I'm trying to cheat on my Holland kindle cages, since I did not make the ones they are in big enough for nest boxes to go in the opening. They were originally single grow out rex cages. Now I make every cage dog big enough for nest boxes. I did build my frames so I now have two levels and space underneath. The space is odd because of a window in the way 64 inches. I can either have two big grow outs 26x32, which I don't think hollands really need, or try to cheat with three smaller ones 21x26. There is a 30 square inches difference. I'm trying to console myself by saying the nest box will not be in there the whole time, the kits will only be in there for five weeks with mom, only 2-4 kits.
you only need the nestbox in for 2.5 weeks.
They can kindle in them just fine.
They will get crowded but you can wean at four weeks if you want, and take mom and put her in a different cage. is it ideal? perhaps not, but rabbits will survive.
I'm asking is 21x26 too small a kindle cage for hollands, considering they will be in together for at least 4 weeks. I don't have the room for three 24x26 cages, but I can get 3 21x26 to make the best use of the space.
they will be okay with that for four weeks. :) it not ideal and if your does kindle more than four kits it will be awfully tight for them.
ladysown":1gwxigqn said:
they will be okay with that for four weeks. :) it not ideal and if your does kindle more than four kits it will be awfully tight for them.

Maybe I'll make one with a removable divider, so if there are more, then I can expand it to 2 cages instead of 3? I'm really cutting it close, it's just such and odd sized room.
Your cages are all 24" tall, right? Why not take advantage of that vertical space and give them a shelf made from wire or even wood? Or give them a bunny-bucket! :p You could also make nestboxes that attach to the outside of the cage like Hoodat does.
I like the bucket idea. The cage goes from wall to wall, then the pans touch the bottom, no room to attach on outside. I usually don't leave nest boxes in anyway, so.with the pots or shelves I'll reclaim the wasted height.
My comment may be unpopular, but I feel it needs to be stated. It is not addressed to the OP on this thread in particular, but to rabbit raisers in general...

Somehow, the "minimum" size cage state in some of the ARBA and other books from years ago has become the "standard" cage for today. My rabbits my run a pound or two more than NZW. I constantly see people trying to raise Cals and NZW in 24" x 24" cages, because somewhere they read that this was the minimum size for this breed. Most of us don't have a lot of shed room... or a lot of money to buy cages, so after a while it is easy to let the "minimum" (which should read absolute minimum) become our "standard".
My doe cages are 30" deep and 40" wide. With a doe and 8 or 9 5-week old kits in this size cage there is barely enough room for them to maneuver. If one multiplies it out that is 1200 square inches. A 24" x 24" cage is 576 square inches which is less than 1/2 the size of mine. A doe and 8 5-week old kits would be jammed in this cage like sardines.

I understand that people often are constrained by space and money, but if one can't afford a decent size cage (except in an emergency) maybe they should reevaluate the number or breed of rabbits they are raising. A 24 x 24 inch cage is too small for any of the standard size breeds.
avdpas77":2ihrug0f said:
My comment may be unpopular, but I feel it needs to be stated. It is not addressed to the OP on this thread in particular, but to rabbit raisers in general...

Somehow, the "minimum" size cage state in some of the ARBA and other books from years ago has become the "standard" cage for today. My rabbits my run a pound or two more than NZW. I constantly see people trying to raise Cals and NZW in 24" x 24" cages, because somewhere they read that this was the minimum size for this breed. Most of us don't have a lot of shed room... or a lot of money to buy cages, so after a while it is easy to let the "minimum" (which should read absolute minimum) become our "standard".
My doe cages are 30" deep and 40" wide. With a doe and 8 or 9 5-week old kits in this size cage there is barely enough room for them to maneuver. If one multiplies it out that is 1200 square inches. A 24" x 24" cage is 576 square inches which is less than 1/2 the size of mine. A doe and 8 5-week old kits would be jammed in this cage like sardines.

I understand that people often are constrained by space and money, but if one can't afford a decent size cage (except in an emergency) maybe they should reevaluate the number or breed of rabbits they are raising. A 24 x 24 inch cage is too small for any of the standard size breeds.

I hear your advice, it's very useful, but I could do without the scolding at the end. I know you said it was not particularly directed at anyone, but comparing standard to dwarf is not a fair comparison, and it's hard not to get offended when you recommend that "the number of breeds should be reevaluated". I'm only raising two breeds, I have way less than twenty animals total now, I have less than 10 adults, and I don't think both need the same cage space. You have no idea what size cage they are in now, only that the nest box for the standards don't fit in the cage opening for the hollands.
These are hollands, they are dwarfs, not standard sizes. They are 1/3 the size of my standard size rabbits. One doe has one right now, I'm probably not going to have a litter of 8 or 9 for a holland. Without a litter a cage that was 21x24 would be ok for them individually. I do have much bigger cages for the other breeds, and I have much bigger cages period, but I am waiting on someone who promised to get back to me this week, and the kits that were in the cage that would have been butchered by now, and will be by Sunday if the person does not respond by then. The cages below the hollands were just going to be grow out cages for holland babies, but in a pinch I was wondering if I could slide them into that space for kindling, whether to rearrange that space a better way. Or I could just cut the door or buy a holland size nest box.
Sky... What Avdpas77 said was "A 24 x 24 inch cage is too small for any of the standard size breeds." If you are raising smaller breeds, this obviously was not directed at you.

Incidentally... I agree 100% with what Avdpas77 had to say about cage size.
MaggieJ":1ch9xfr4 said:
Sky... What Avdpas77 said was "A 24 x 24 inch cage is too small for any of the standard size breeds." If you are raising smaller breeds, this obviously was not directed at you.

Incidentally... I agree 100% with what Avdpas77 had to say about cage size.

I agree too, but why bring it up? It still sounds a bit accusatory, and does not help with my original question. I do concede that I am a bit irritable, wondering what this doe plans to next, whether she's going to safely have anymore kits in the middle of the night when I can't help her.

I'm taking a break and going for some tea.
skysthelimit":2alo241m said:
I'm taking a break and going for some tea.

Is it going to be Raspberry Zinger? :p Maybe soon you'll have 4 dogs and a baby... :lol:
MamaSheepdog":1374w773 said:
skysthelimit":1374w773 said:
I'm taking a break and going for some tea.

Is it going to be Raspberry Zinger? :p Maybe soon you'll have 4 dogs and a baby... :lol:

The baby for dogs or rabbits? Definitely not for me. I'd need much more than Raspberry Zinger to pull that off :)

Sorry I'm getting all worked up. I do the best that I can for these rabbits. This sable holland doe is really wracking my nerves, although she seems pretty calm.
i honestly wouldn't worry about it too much.

I keep my hollands in 24 x 24 cages regularly and have, on the odd occasion had them kindle in them as well. 21 x 26 isn't that far off that mark.

AND should you have a doe kindle with a larger litter there is absolutely no reason why you can't move her and her litter at two weeks of age into a bigger cage. For a standard sized rabbit to spend two weeks in a smaller cage won't stress them out. She'll be just fine in there until those kits are two weeks old minimum.

So don't stress. Build your cages. and do right by your buns. They'll be fine.

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