TMI but...Rabbit Ejaculate Consistency?

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Well-known member
Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
Ok-- soooo many apologies because this is really gross but I've never seen it before.

I've been trying to get my silver martens to take.

I've been breeding rabbits for over two years now and have never seen this before!
My senior silver marten buck, when he hits the doe, will have almost a gelatin-like consistency glob of sperm outside of the doe (in addition to the regular wetness on/in the doe's genital area: my usual indications that the buck did he job correctly).

Has anyone else seen/heard of this rabbit sperm appearing like this?
I swear it's a clear...GLOB.

Could attempt photos if necessary :lol:
I have seen it pretty thick before [also] but it is usually after the buck has been inactive for a while-- once you "clean him out" try re-breeding a day or so later, and see if it is the same..- if it is still that thick and on the outside, I would be concerned also.

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