Cool. I will work on this more, but as far as having someone more qualified in charge, well... No one wants to step up and do it. 4H rabbit shows are very rare around here, I think there are two that I know of, if we get started it will make 3 annual shows.<br /><br />__________ Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:07 am __________<br /><br />I am bringing this back up. I have a 4H coordinator and an FFA advisor muddling through this with me. We have kids very interested, some already with rabbits, some with the cages but no rabbits, and some who want to learn where to start.
The first meeting for 4H is set for April 1st and the FFA meeting is in the works. We are working on powerpoints and covering all of the basic needs of rabbits, how to maintain them, info on diet and cages, info on breeds, showing, breed standards, etc etc. This will of course not all be covered in one meeting but a series of meetings. The first meeting will be an introductory meeting to see how many are interested and what we are working with.
My big question is when it comes time to host a show for the youth, how do you find a judge qualified for 4h/ffa club shows? Does it need to be an ARBA judge? Or a judge with other certifications (if there are any)? And how much does this cost?
If anyone knows, please let me know
I am excited for the meetings coming up, I just wish there were more adult volunteers, the 4h and ffa reps have my back, but its like the blind leading the blind since none of us have been over a rabbit club. I am working on having an agent more experienced with a founded club coming in to have a workshop with the adult volunteers.