Um, I have some that require 'proper' handling, I had a spooked buck open my finger to the bone, he would be dead, but he is my first grandchampion.... so..
I have to say, it depends, I have a line that is ***** cats, and the other side, well, the males can be great, but the does are all snappish, but this is also the line that GC is out of.
I would say that they can be VERY temperamental, but my babies all seem to be pretty nice, so it might have a bit to do with raising also.
That said, there is a lot of 'these are the sweatiest, most loving rabbits, with wonderful **PERSONALITIES** you will ever find'
which is, um, good marketing, and even true, but if one of my does is out and needs to go potty, you will end up bloody....
the buck either run away, or refuse to move from being cuddled.