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*smiles* Thank you all for weighing in on the colors of these three. Concerning the Chestnut, the abnormal amount of cream is what was throwing u due to the odd places that it showed up aside from the belly and inside of the legs. With respect to the tort, what makes it a black tort over a chocolate tort? Myself and Ms. Sandy thinks that the tort is a chocolate tort, hence my asking.


RW<br /><br />__________ Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:59 pm __________<br /><br />*laughs* And, MamaSheepdog, that would be a long way to get one of these kits to you *grins*. Though, if you are serious, something might be able to be figured out. It is rather interesting because the trio of SA's that Ms. Sandy has (one buck and two does) have the other colors in their backgrounds (aside from the REW and red that are obvious), but they are 5 and 6 generations back only. She was rather surprised to see this much color variation in one litter (granted, the doe did have 10 kits but still..).


