This may be a silly question but...

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Mar 24, 2014
Reaction score
Southwest Desert
I am relatively new to raising backyard meat rabbits. My oldest buck (1 1/2 y.o) has ear mites and swollen genitals. I have two other bucks and three does (because my family keeps naming bunnies before I can do the deed). No one else is showing any signs of any issues at this time.

I am treating the mite issue and they are clearing just fine. I gave my buck a butt bath yesterday because he was dirty and swollen. He seems more lively today. Am I worried for no reason about the swelling? Is this normal in mature bucks? He is about 3 times larger than he has ever been. He does not exhibit any symptoms of being in any pain. I showed him to a cowboy who used to raise rabbits and he said he's never seen anything like that in anything other than his stud horse. I have no idea what to do with that info.

Your feedback is appreciated.
Will post when I get home today. Thanks <br /><br /> __________ Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:04 pm __________ <br /><br /> Have been trying to figure out how to post photos here. I've resized them and still can't get the photos to show up. Only a link shows up rather than the actual photo. Any suggestion?