The babes came early this morning. I didn't get to bed until 3 am & I wanted to sleep in a little but the dogs wouldn't let me. I peeked out back & saw hair all over 18's cage & thought, oh they must be coming soon. I got my shoes & went out & immediately saw some placenta on the manure board & thought uh oh, did she eat them!? Then I saw one little baby on the ground
his little body all cold with a big purple forehead :x when I picked him up he was very vigorous though. As I looked around I found another between the wire & manure board on the sides, another had fallen into the manure trough & then rolled into the manure bucket & was all covered in pee/poo :shock: two more on the floor near the steps, one under the table saw & finally one inside on the wire by the feeder in a pile of alfalfa. I brought the nestbox in & cleaned everybody up and have them warming on top of a low heating little wriggly babies. One of my dogs donated a little hair since 18's was all over the place- everywhere but in the nest box.
Mom had done a nice job cleaning them up & only a few of them were really cold the others were just cool- I guess FL heat has it's benefits. So, now I remember babysaver! I had been all gung ho for it & then promptly forgot it when the cage builder backed out & i bought the cheapie TSC cages in a pinch.
Anybody have any suggestions on an alternative until I can get some wire?
How do i know when she is done having the babies? I figure she had them an hour or so before I went out because even the ones on the cement floor were not ice cold & they were all dry & cleaned. Only the manure bucket baby was really cold. Mom was chowing down on grains too
Also, little purple dome head baby- anybody ever have one like that do okay?
Mom had done a nice job cleaning them up & only a few of them were really cold the others were just cool- I guess FL heat has it's benefits. So, now I remember babysaver! I had been all gung ho for it & then promptly forgot it when the cage builder backed out & i bought the cheapie TSC cages in a pinch.
Anybody have any suggestions on an alternative until I can get some wire?
How do i know when she is done having the babies? I figure she had them an hour or so before I went out because even the ones on the cement floor were not ice cold & they were all dry & cleaned. Only the manure bucket baby was really cold. Mom was chowing down on grains too
Also, little purple dome head baby- anybody ever have one like that do okay?