Desert Rose Rabbits
Well-known member
I've supplied pics and scientific names where I have them. I have all of these weeds/tree growing like mad around me and would love to supplement the buns. I'm hoping to move over to fodder but I'm struggling with mold.
Box Elder Tree (Acer negundo):
Blue Mustard (Chorispora tenella):

Dwarf Mustard: I don't have a Latin name for this. When I went to the nursery to get some stuff identified I got 'local' names for things. I was apparently unimportant and when I asked them for it I was simply told to google it. Anyways, the picture I have is of an immature plant. I'll try and grab a picture of it blooming tomorrow. It grows as one long stem (no shrub or rosary growth), and the flowers come out of the top like a torpedo shaped bundle. I've already tried feeding this to some growouts. They're not thrilled about it, but they DO eat it. So far, no one has died or become ill.

Milk Weed Thistle: I don't have a clue on this one. This doesn't look like anything related to a thistle. I'll see if I have some older growth somewhere, but if I remember correctly from last year, it keeps that shape blunt edge to the leaf, it just gets bigger. I've fed this before, on accident, while gathering dandelion. The buns seem to enjoy it and no one got sick.

Box Elder Tree (Acer negundo):
Blue Mustard (Chorispora tenella):

Dwarf Mustard: I don't have a Latin name for this. When I went to the nursery to get some stuff identified I got 'local' names for things. I was apparently unimportant and when I asked them for it I was simply told to google it. Anyways, the picture I have is of an immature plant. I'll try and grab a picture of it blooming tomorrow. It grows as one long stem (no shrub or rosary growth), and the flowers come out of the top like a torpedo shaped bundle. I've already tried feeding this to some growouts. They're not thrilled about it, but they DO eat it. So far, no one has died or become ill.

Milk Weed Thistle: I don't have a clue on this one. This doesn't look like anything related to a thistle. I'll see if I have some older growth somewhere, but if I remember correctly from last year, it keeps that shape blunt edge to the leaf, it just gets bigger. I've fed this before, on accident, while gathering dandelion. The buns seem to enjoy it and no one got sick.