The Weekly Quiz! (Posted Every Wednesday).

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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2021
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Welcome to the weekly quiz!

Questions will be posted each Wednesday at 10:00 P.M. PST

I thought it would be cool to start a quiz thread. It's educational, fun for the whole family, and it will help you remember that you have an account on here and give you an excuse to actually check in once in a while and be active (which is totally not the main reason for doing this).

General Information

Questions will randomly very from beginner (ex. what is a baby rabbit called) to very difficult (ex. what is this color A B C D.....).

Each question that needs it will have its sources sited, we are here to learn after all.

Questions regarding breed standards will be based of the most current ARBA (American Rabbit Breeders Association) information, unless stated otherwise.

Winners will be the first person to reply with the correct response and will be given a shout out at the top of the next weeks question.

Replies are due by midnight on Tuesdays, that way I have enough time to read answers, find the winner, make corrections, etc.

If you have a good quiz in mind, you may message me the question (and source if needed). Note: this will exempt you from being able to submit an answer to that question.


No google/Research:
(Answers must come from the knowledge in your mind at the time of reading the question).

One reply per person per question:
(Each person may only enter one reply to each quiz question. If you leave something out of your reply please edit that response to add it in, try not to make another reply, this is to keep the clutter of responses to a minimum).

Keep chatter to a minimum:

(Again, to keep response clutter to a minimum, try to stay on topic of the thread and not have general discussions in the comments/get too off topic).


(Everyone is human, everyone makes mistakes. If there is information that you believe to be wrong please message me directly with the correct answer and a source. I will post an official correction response. This way the correction will stand out a little better for anyone who may want to find it, and it will keep from corrections flooding the replies).

If you have any questions about the quiz please message me.

I hope you all enjoy and learn something new

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Quiz #1 answer.

The three key factors to running a healthy rabbitry are ventilation, sanitation, and observation.

The closest answer was mrscllc with Safety, hygiene, and recordkeeping.

Rabbits can have a somewhat sensitive respiratory system compared to other animals. In a lot of setups it is common for waist to be collected under cages for a few days to weeks before disposal, which means that ammonia gasses and other smells can easily build up if proper ventilation is not provided, which can quickly lead to sick rabbits. moister will also accumulate in and ventilated area, which will lead to mold. Because of this good ventilation in your rabbitry is important.

Its true that rabbits are relatively clean animals in the sense that thy love grooming themselves, however, that doesn't keep illness from striking. Making sure your setup states sanitized is very important in prevention of disease. Cleaning away any build up on cage floors daily (this includes litter boxes and bedding for solid bottomed cages), making sure there isn't too much hair floating around/accumulating (good ventilation helps this), sanitizing water and feed dishes monthly, making sure to have a good quarantine system for new or sick rabbits, etc.

Rabbits are pray animals and as such are pretty good at hiding injury and illness. So, making sure to be extra observant is very important. It is recommended to do full weekly health checks on all animals to ensure they are in good condition, this should also be taken record of in your record book with all possible ailments and treatments of said ailments noted/dated. On top of the weekly checks you should also be observing daily. You don't have to take them out and cuddle for an hour daily, but opening the cages when feeding and giving them a little pet once in a while is good. This helps keep them calm, associates you with getting food which helps bonding, and you can notice if their personalty changes which can indicate illness/injury.

For more information read this link on rabbitry husbandry (more links may be posted)
Just teeth is 4, 2 in the upper jaw and 2 lower. Upper teeth "fall" over the lower teeth.
Molars 3 or 4 per jaw side, so times 4.
Quiz #2 answer.

Rabbit have 28 teeth. These include 6 incisors 10 premolars, and 12 molars.

The person with the closest answer was Naelin


Rabbits have a unique set of incisors. As you can see they have an "extra" set of top incisors called peg teeth. These teeth help keep the bottom incisors ground down, as rabbits teeth never stop growing. The molars grind against one another, mostly while eating, and the Maxillary incisors grind against anything the rabbits chews on/bites at.

If a rabbits teeth over grow, that is an indication of a defect called malocclusion. A condition where the teeth are unaligned and cannot grind against one another as they should. Dwarf rabbit with the "bull dog" head shape are more prone to this condition.


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aa = self
bb = brown/chocolate
CC = no white ghost cape
DD = black/non dilute (otherwise would be blue or blue carrier
EE = no funnies here either
enen = solid pattern
DuDu = dutch or not?

Self chocolate for one, not sure of dutch pattern or not.
aa = self
bb = brown/chocolate
CC = no white ghost cape
DD = black/non dilute (otherwise would be blue or blue carrier
EE = no funnies here either
enen = solid pattern
DuDu = dutch or not?

Self chocolate for one, not sure of dutch pattern or not.
Not dutch, that would be dudu :)

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