The P Word... at what point...

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2015
Reaction score
Beckley, WV
As most of you know, I've been concerned about the potential of a P infection since our doe started sneezing a few weeks ago (after kindling). After that, I've been on high alert with her, our buck and the babies. I kept the doe isolated from the buck for a couple of weeks, but since her symptoms haven't seemed to progress beyond the occasional sneeze, and the only sign of mucous I've seen was once when she sneezed and there was a little clear mucous, I stopped isolating them. Of course, I don't want more babies, so they've only been able to make contact through the cages, but I know that's enough to spread P if it's there.

Then, this past week, I had an incident with a kit aspirating on pellets (mixed with some probios powder). It nearly choked to death and it had what appeared to be yellow mucous all over its nose and mouth (I later realized that the probios powder is somewhat yellow, which could explain that). When I saw that, I thought for sure it was P, but I helped the kit, cleaned it off and it recovered. It's shown no other sign of illness since then (it happened several days ago, almost a week). I HAVE heard the kits sneezing on occasion, it seems to be only when they're eating though AND it's been confirmed that I have 'dusty pellets', partly due to the fact that (just before the choking incident) I did dump the pellets from the bottom of the 50' bag into the pellet bucket... so all the dust ended up on top. :/ I didn't even THINK about that until days later.

About three days ago, I noticed that our buck has one eye that's just really slightly wet. I mean, it's so minor that no one else would probably notice it, but I've been paranoid and checking all of their faces several times a day. Then today, my son told me he heard the buck sneezing during his floor time. I rushed in to check his face. He WAS near the floor water dish, so maybe he just got water in his nose, but on top of everything else, it's really got me worried. I haven't seen any sign of any colored mucous or more sneezing from him at this point.

So my question is... at what point do you breeders decide that a rabbit is given the 'all clear' or whether you decide it's infected? I realize that some of you are much more paranoid about it than others. If it turns out that our rabbits continue to show worrisome signs, I guess I will take them to the best vet I can find with rabbit experience and see what they say, see if maybe I can get them on antibiotics and see if they can lead a normal pet life. Up to this point, aside from these minor symptoms, they all seem very happy and healthy. They play, do binkies, eat a lot, etc. I'm just sooooo stressed about it. :p
In reading this, I am not seeing any ongoing symptoms of a disease. I am seeing isolated events in various rabbits. If you were writing of continued mucus, matted feet, rabbits losing condition, etc., I would say you had something to worry about.

Keep an eye on them, for sure, but I wouldn't worry until I started seeing on ongoing pattern of issues. Unless and until that happens- relax :).
Everybody sneezes once in a while, or gets dirt in their eye causing it to weep.

If the buck is not sneezing then he might just have a scratch in his eye that causing the discharge

I only consider culling when I see puss which is a white, cream, yellow or green discharge. I consider culling because I have 20 to 60 other rabbits I need to worry about catching infectious doses of the pathogen

In your situation, were euthanasia is not an option, I would put a rabbit on antibiotics at the first sign of infection so it doesn't get a foot hold in their systems or a chance to get spread around
Oh my gosh.... thank you both SO much! I feel so much better right now. I mean, I know there's no guarantee and P is a sneaky, nasty disease, but those responses just seriously took a load off my mind. Thank you!!!
Since I have chinchillas and rabbit illnesses are a death sentence to them I am always worried. Is that wet nose just a wet nose? When it actually is something it doesn't usually take time to realize it. They don't have possible symptoms, no symptoms, what was that?, no other symptoms.... They have minor symptoms, they have bad symptoms, they have horrible symptoms, and they die soon if you don't do anything. There are about a dozen other respiratory infections they can get that can be less severe and they can recover from it on their own so some do wait to see. Many don't want to breed any rabbit that gets sick from anything.