THAT went well.

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Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
NW Illinois
Hello, all.

I have three English Angoras - a proven doe, a proven buck, and a younger (though breeding age) doe. Yesterday, when a quick check showed that the does should be receptive, I tried breeding both does. The buck was eager and persistent, but the younger doe never lifted, even after a second attempt later in the day. The proven doe crouched in a corner and literally cried and closed her eyes, so I immediately removed her.

Everyone is in good health as far as I can tell. The rabbits are well fed but not overweight. It was a sunnier and warmer day than we've had in a while. Thoughts? Suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

What do you feed them, Kathleen?

Chances are they were just "not in the mood" and the younger doe may have been just plain scared, but sometimes a shortage of Vitamins A and E will result in breeding problems.
Hi, Maggie.

They get Purina pellets in the morning and oats/BOSS in the afternoon. They have free choice access to some fine quality hay (though not alfalfa) that I use for the goats. Fresh water twice a day. I am also using up the remainder of the papaya tablets. I understand now that the tablets won't prevent wool block, but the rabbits enjoy the taste, I think.

I am planning on moving to a more natural diet for them as I can plant and grow things in the Spring.

Thanks for your thoughts!
