I have the same set, got it when I bought my cages back in March or whatever, but just tattooed last week. I was agonizing over figuring out a way to track bloodlines through the tattoos, and finally figured one out. Oldest buns were almost 6 months, youngest about 8 weeks I think. My DD held them in a towel w/ their eyes covered, and none of them screamed... I need to clean all the excess ink out and check them all to see how well we did overall. I used a fresh cotton swab dipped in ink for each ear, rolled it real well with quite a bit of pressure against the ear pressed against my finger, then massaged a tiny bit of neosporin over it. We did 23 rabbits! Most are going to be for meat, but I am thinking of trying to sell some on CL, so I figured we would just do all of them. In avoiding the large veins, the tattoo ended up where the ear's natural curve is.
Here is the system I devised: Buck's initial, Does initial, month, year, then 1-0 for each bun in the litter. Our first Buck is named Black Floyd, and his successive sons are named starting with C, D, etc. Our first does are Poppy and Feather, so their daughters names will start with QRS GHI, etc. I only have 24 holes, so figure it will take a while to go through the alphabet, and then I can start the process over again! I'll also know the age of the individual because of the date in the ear. I was wondering if there is a rule about how long the tattoo can be- meaning can it be more than 5 letters or characters if you wanted? With my system there is no way to identify my rabbitry...
I would love to hear what methods other raisers use, and any tips on tattooing techniques!