Tan colored poop

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Well-known member
May 4, 2013
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This may be too broad of a question, but what causes peanut butter colored poop?
Two months ago I had a 3 week old kit die and its stomach and back legs were covered in light tan diarrhea.
I now have a doe that is due in 4 days that has light tan colored poop. Some poops look normal other than color. Others slightly resemble a cecotrope but really, really small sticky poos in a cluster. This doe has not had much appetite and it seems to be getting worse.
Is the color of the poo an indication of disease, or the result of not eating enough to keep the good bacteria going?
Kind of a what comes first question and any suggestions.
I got worried a little while back, when I noticed that my buck was producing tan colored berries. I looked it up online and most everything said it isn't a big deal and probably is just due to something in his diet. It cleared up in a day or so.

In your case though, with the other signs, it sounds like you might be dealing with the onset of GI stasis. Here is some information about what to do. http://www.mybunny.org/info/gi-stasis/
Liver disease can cause yellowish poop as can the giardia parasite

Have you necropsied any to see if they have liver damage?

What is their water supply? Spring run off can often contaminate waterways with giardia