Switching from junk food diet

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Jan 13, 2014
Reaction score
Stonyford, California
I know for rats that the Hartz mixes are nothing but junk foods. I am wanting to get this rabbit that a friend forwarded the ad to me, but the current owner is feeding him the Hartz Bonanza blend from Walmart. Is there a way I can change over his food without making him sick? I can get a pretty good pellet diet from my local feed store for less then what the Hartz diet. Should I give him mostly Timothy hay till I can complete the switch? He is already eating some hay every day. This is the pic I got of him. I hope to be picking him up tomorrow afternoon.

Male Bunny.jpg

(Edited for spelling errors)
I don't know anything about the Hartz food, but there's a very good chance that the feed store stuff is a lot better for him, as you have already figured. You can transition slowly from one to the other over the course of a week or so, all the while free feeding hay if you can. He should do fine with the transition, but watch his water intake and his bunny berries to make sure everything stays relatively normal. :)

He looks like fun! :p
Thank you so much for responding so quickly Miss M. I am just trying to work out with current owner on a time to pick him up. I have the hay already so no problem free feeding that. So watch for firm dryish "berries" and make sure he is drinking plenty of water. Anything else I should be worrying about?
Wow, I did answer quickly, didn't I?!? I had no idea! :lol:

As far as transitioning feed goes, that should do it. If you start seeing any problems with loose stools or anything like that, cut the feed out entirely, and feed only regular kitchen oatmeal (not quick oats) and hay for a couple of days. Then start adding the new feed in again, over a week's time. Should do fine. :)