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May 11, 2015
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I picked up a couple rabbits from a lady this weekend and was looking at her hutches... she has 3 does, 1 buck. Each doe has their own hutch labeled 1, 2, 3. Another single hutch for the buck. Then there were 3 double hutches labeled - 1B, 1G, 2B, 2G, 3B, 3G. When she separated them out she just put them in the corresponding numbered hutch and separated the Boys from the Girls. Then two other single hutches for various uses. I thought it was genius!! And has me "redesigning" the layout I was thinking...

I have 6 hanging cages, and will have four 4 hole hutches. I hope to have 2 sets of breeding trios so a buck and two does for each of my NZWs and Am. Chins. They can go in the hanging cages. One breed on top, one on the bottom. Then Each doe can have half of a hutch - one hole for boys, one hole for girls. That leaves me two open hutches. One will be taken my my son's two smaller rabbits that will possibly be pet income (a harlequinized chestnut NZW mix - only weighs less than 4 pounds at 5 months old and a smaller Creme d'Argent... maybe they will throw some fun colors??). The single I have will be a quarantine spot in a separate part of the yard. Then one 4 hole will be there for... overflow ;) . Maybe ones that I am saving to test for breeding? Not sure yet.

I do have one extra 4 hole hutch, but I will be transitioning it for quail.

Can you tell I have a touch of OCD :oops: ? I like everything to have a place and be in it's place, and if it can be symmetrical that makes it 10x better.

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