sugarcane stalk for rabbits

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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2013
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There seems to be a number of studies done on the use of sugarcane (fresh cane, pressed cane, juice) as an energy-rich component of meat rabbit diets. This is one example: I found another more informative one the other day but now I can't seem to pull it up again. Darn.

Also this site says this, which pretty much sums it up: "Sugar cane can be grown in countries with wet tropical climates and is a good rabbit feed, despite its low protein content (1 or 2 percent). In an early trial in Mauritius, coarsely chopped sugar cane was successfully used to re place one half the balanced concentrate feed ration with no consequent drop in performance. In a complementary trial, the same authors found that, fed ad lib, rabbits chose to replace up to 40 percent of their balanced concentrate feed with chopped sugar cane. In a similar ad lib feeding test, Leucaena leucocephala replaced up to 60 percent of the same balanced concentrate feed (see Figure 6). In a New Caledonia trial it was shown that rabbits prefer to eat first the dry leaves, then the green leaves and then the cane itself, chopped small."

I had tried giving my rabbits peel sections of stalk before and most of them never ate it--only my buck did, and he just kind of chewed it half-heartedly now and then. But a couple of days ago I chopped some up (no peeling, just chopping little chips and chunks off the end of a long piece of stem with a machete) and after a couple of refusals they now eat it up completely.

I'm excited. This makes a nice little addition/fill-in to their energy foods along with their oats, carrots, and sweetpotato roots, etc. Especially for fattening up those little ones and for the lactating does. I have plenty of sugarcane growing already, and I only need a tiny bit at a time for this anyway. A great sustainable resource!

Incidentally, they also enjoy eating the leaves (kind of like grass).
Sounds good. Just watch for any problems. I'm sure sugar cane is "safe" from a toxicity point-of-view... but not as certain how it is nutritionally. So I suggest feeding it but also watching how they do on it.
I'd worry that much sugar might cause diarrhea if it's added in quickly. I have wild sugar cane growing all around here so I might give a small chunck and see how mine like it. I feed a lot of forage so it would just be one more thing added to what they already eat.
For the record, it seems that fresh cane doesn't actually have that much sugar in it, relatively speaking. My girlfriend (who is from the mainland) chewed on a piece the other day for the first time and was surprised how little sweetness it had. Kind of like maple trees, or corn--it has to be processed a lot, first by extracting the juice, then evaporating/reducing the liquid to get concentrated sugars. Fresh cane is only slightly sweet-it probably has less sugar than ripe fruit, and I would guess less than some fodder beets. It's also mostly fiber. A lot of people in some places chew on sugarcane stalk to clean their teeth. I agree though, certainly not something to feed rabbits A LOT of, like anything containing meaningful amounts of sugars, and not a lot else. I emphasize again that I would consider it something to be used rather sparingly, along with grains, fruit, root vegetables, as a convenient energy supplement to a forage diet for tropical/subtropical rabbits--but no less useful, for all that.

I haven't seen any diarhea since I started feeding sugarcane. I've fed anywhere from about 1/2 cup to 1 cup chopped cane to the seven bunnies daily along with their oats, and just a chip or three to the breeders. The only time I had a case of diarhea was with the little runt--which was well BEFORE I started feeding sugarcane--and I think it was likely because she ate too much kale that day (I've since been more careful with kale). Fortunately it fixed itself that same afternoon. Seems possible the high fiber content of sugarcane might actually work against diarhea, but I don't know, I'm just guessing there. Lot's of guessing, but little by little I'm learning more all the time... :)

Cheers everybody!<br /><br />__________ Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:32 am __________<br /><br />
dayna":1z0s4la0 said:
I'd worry that much sugar might cause diarrhea if it's added in quickly. I have wild sugar cane growing all around here so I might give a small chunck and see how mine like it. I feed a lot of forage so it would just be one more thing added to what they already eat.

If you're going to try feeding them some, try to chop it into really small pieces, across the grain. In my experience, smaller the pieces the better, like half inch or smaller, and they didn't really eat the finger length pieces. But I'm curious to hear your experience...

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