sudden runny nose, isolated, now gone?

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Mar 18, 2014
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NE Newyork
I noticed some off behavior from my lionhead mix doe, but didnt do anything more than take a mental note to keep an eye on her (shes not caged, shes running around the barn loft) I go up idk an hr later and i notice shes in severe respritory distress, snot and drooling, i scoop her up and clean her face up but shes open mouth breathing, so i stuff her in a cage and put her down stairs in the tack room... I grab some pen. while I'm heating the lambs lunch, and by the time I got back up there, her face is dry, shes perky, and I only hear a slight rattle, but she appeared to be breathing fine, I gave her the shot anyway and I'll keep her down there for a week or so, shes due to kindle soon and I saw pulled fur (but still not 100% sure if shes pregnant, shes only had one litter in march and they were killed by something, but i was never able to get her to catch before or after, maybe until now...) I have no new rabbits, I havent been in contact with other bunnies, and no one who has rabbits has come to the farm before...

Is it possible she just had something stuck? or is the on/off how this works? Eyes are clear and bright, no discharge, and now there is no sign of anything on her face, her paws are not matted as if this has been going on a long time, although were a little wet.... She drank the water and half the food I left with her also... and as of now is acting normal...
I'm no expert, but it sounds like maybe she was inhaling some dust or some kind of fines? So maybe when you cleaned her up and moved her to a new location she was able to clear up once removed from it? Is it possible that she stirred something up in the air and breathed it in up in the loft?

I know that sometimes when we put pellets in the feeders we see a small mist of fines, and Shaggy, who's always up front for attention, will rub his face with his paws afterward. He hasn't actually sneezed or anything, but it always catches my attention.

Glad she's doing better regardless!
I would guess an allergic reaction. Dust from dead, dry mold can set things off. I about killed myself one afternoon when I pulled down the older saddles on the top racks which hadn't been cleaned in 2 years. Hay and pellet fines can sometimes have a bit of mold that isn't enough or the right kind to cause serious health issues but causes some flare up when they breath it in or eat a little. There are a handful of animals that have allergies to pollen and certain plants just like people but it's less common. Also could have eaten a little of a mildly toxic plant if you feed hay but that usually shows more as a digestive upset than a respiratory one.
She seems fine now.. hmm ... the wet noise is completely gone.... She was so bad I thought she might die there for a minuet.... I have a dutch doe that is very sensitive to the fines and will sneeze and hack if i just put it in, i have to put it in the dish and blow on it, first.. she didnt eat the pellets this morning, she doesnt all the time, her flemish buddy never misses morning pellets lol she will follow me around and stand on her hind legs until i dish out :p

I know she just started to pull fur, so maybe she snuffed some? I gave fresh hay after i removed her i believe so it wasnt that... *shrug* idk
It does sound like an allergic reaction, but do keep her isolated from your other rabbits. Let her kindle and hope for the best.

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Sorry I just never edited that part. done now... I pulled some of her fur and made a little starter nest so she gets the picture and hopefully puts it where i want it lol... I'll keep her separated for a week, she may not even be pregnant. but better to be safe with the sudden buggary mess :x
lol she was lookin at me like "why am i here again?" <br /><br /> -- Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:49 am -- <br /><br /> Back in full force this morning... I'm caring for her last and she will get penn. every 2 days but im not holding much hope... I think ill be sending her back to her old owners if she recovers ok... darn... poor girl..
BusterHill":34s9vfoi said:
lol she was lookin at me like "why am i here again?"

-- Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:49 am --

Back in full force this morning... I'm caring for her last and she will get penn. every 2 days but im not holding much hope... I think ill be sending her back to her old owners if she recovers ok... darn... poor girl..

Some rabbits can carry a latent respiratory infection, with no symptoms until they are stressed. Pregnancy and kindling are common stressors that can bring out a latent infection to a full blown acute infection. I would definitely keep her quarantined.
and now shes fine again... :|

I will gets pics maybe vid of her "episodes" and you can tell me what you think... seems to only happen once a day so ill have to wait until tomorrow... but how freaking bizarre..
It is possible she has snuffles and the Pen g is putting it into remission? If so, be very careful as to who you give her to, as she could chronically infect anyone's entire herd, and pass it along to her babies too, if she has them.
My doe has regular sneezing fits. The first time I freaked out bad. She was wiping her nose and everything. But I've figured out it's just dust in the hay. Sometimes it's easy to see boogie men everywhere, especially when they're as scary as snuffles. But there are many illnesses out there, and some groups of symptoms, like allergies, that aren't illnesses at all. I hope you will be able to figure out what's going on.
okay still fine this am, even more perky but still not really eating from what i can tell.. her poos are small... but im going to give her another shot... ill probably give her 2 more after as well even if she doesnt show any more symptoms just to be sure
BusterHill":1y5xgb3s said:
okay still fine this am, even more perky but still not really eating from what i can tell.. her poos are small... but im going to give her another shot... ill probably give her 2 more after as well even if she doesnt show any more symptoms just to be sure

If her poos are getting small and she isn't really eating, she is in the beginning stages of GI Stasis. You need to get her eating and drinking ASAP! Try tempting her with fresh greens like dandelion, plantain, clover or even parsley, carrot tops and other veggie tops. I really hesitate to medicate with antibiotics "just in case". Especially for respiratory illnesses, since PenG isn't the drug of choice for any of the respiratory illnesses rabbits can get. I tend to have a rather hardline approach to respiratory issues, having lost my entire herd to Pasteurella in the past. Unless I can determine a specific reason for the sneezing/drainage, ie. dust/fines/hay up the nose, water up the nose, etc, then I don't keep that rabbit around. Allergies are not an illness, I know, but they ARE an indicator of a poor immune system, so I don't want that in my breeding stock either.
i did get her to eat a horse treat, she hasnt had access to greens so i was unsure if i could suddenly give some to her, but right now we have a tiny bit of grass popping up. i think shes is drinking a bit, but she spilled her pellets... i gave her some hay and she was uninterested in them :/ ill keep trying
In cases of GI stasis, you want to get things moving through the system, even at the risk of a bit of diarrhea. If her system is shutting down, that is a life-threatening situation. OneAcreFarm gave you good advice.
shes not eating, I offered green grass too... I'll mix something up and syringe feed her I suppose... I noticed her poos are baby bunny size... not good.... I'm not looking forward to her dying, I'm going to keep an eye on her very closely, if she starts fading away I'm going to cut her open and see if shes pregnant and if I can, save them :/ <br /><br /> -- Sun Apr 27, 2014 9:27 am -- <br /><br /> i told her i was gunna force her to start eating last night, and this morning i saw her chewing on a little hay, and i offered her some horse sweet feed for the extra sugar an she was all over it... but i can hear her breathing now although its not snotty anymore...i guess i could just make her live away from everyone else from now on :/