Submitting proposal to HOA on keeping meat rabbits

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May 16, 2014
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Sorry if this isn't necessarily the best thread for this topic, but I wanted to get some advice from those of you who are already raising meat rabbits.

We are getting our documentation together to present to our HOA to ask for permission to put the rabbit housing up on our lot. (stupid, I know.)
We are including the form they ask us to fill out, as well as a satellite image, a front elevation, and an elevation of both sides of our home and lot with colored rectangles indicating an approximate footprint of the structure we're going to attempt. We label our preferred location and our secondary locations. I need to go out and take a photo to make a back elevation as well. We are also including plans of the structure we intend to build.

We are wanting to construct a wire cage set-up for a breeding trio plus a grow out pen. We'll be building a roofed structure (no walls) and suspending the cages. It will have a footprint of roughly 9.5x6 feet. Our HOA has rules regarding sheds. They must have peaked roofs, be shingled to match the house, and have siding to match the house. We are holding our breath with our rabbit structure, hoping they do not categorize it as a "shed".

Aside from the above information, does anyone have any suggestions on information to include that might help our cause? I'm not sure we should mention to them (unless they ask) that they are meat rabbits. Our bylaws state there should be no breeding of livestock- but our county ordinances do not categorize rabbits as livestock. I don't want to dig up too many things at once, because it might give them a chance to look for violations.

Not sure if any of you would do this, but...
I was thinking I would mention how important the wire cage set-up is to the health of the rabbits. How we live in Georgia, and we have a full-sun yard (except our northern side of the house where we want to place them, but it's also street side), and rabbits are very prone to heat-stroke. I also was thinking of mentioning how to have outside rabbits, it would end up being much more sanitary and clean to opt for the wire set-up vs. a hutch set up, and the manure would be recycled into my garden. Perhaps also mentioning how rabbits are very quiet animals and won't bother anyone.

That's all my ideas for now...
Oh, man... I wish you luck! I have no advice at all, but I seriously hope they approve of it. I would not mention that they'll be for consumption. Regardless of whether your city ordinance classifies rabbits as livestock or not, to your HOA if you are eating them, they will be looked at and treated as livestock. If you plan to dispatch and butcher your own rabbits on that property, I'd do it in the quietest, most hidden manner possible.
Reason #304 why I will NEVER live in a home with an HOA...

I would probably keep the details minimal. I would be worried that the more I added, the more the HOA people would be questioning why I felt inclined to add so much. Give them what they ask for, nothing more. If your request is denied and your HOA gives you the ability to file an appeal, that is the point at which I might add more detail.
Keep it minimal. I used to be a designer and clients always want to make changes. Even ask them for suggestions like what color to paint it? should you plant some bushes in front of it? Make them feel a part of your project.

I would love to see what your plans look like - front elevations etc... post some pics :)
Regardless of the counties ordinance the HOA's rules will override the county regulations. I would not let the HOA know these rabbits are for consumption. Does anyone in your subdivision raise or breed dogs? If they do not allow it, then they probably won't allow the rabbits.

The other option is to ask about building a shed and not say anything about the rabbits. Hopefully you have a fence around your property so whatever you do is your business. I would build my shed, then after inspections I would add the cages and rabbits later, then if anyone asks I would say they are pets.
I'd build a stealth rabbitry and forget about going thru the process just to be told no , you cant do that.
Ramjet":bsjw1vz3 said:
I'd build a stealth rabbitry and forget about going thru the process just to be told no , you cant do that.
That's what I would do, too...

I think they've got an open yard with no fences. They wouldn't be able to get a building past the HOA without approval.

That's why I suggested modifying the garage (putting windows in) and using that.

If you can't use the garage, then I understand you must go to the HOA. But tell them as little as you possibly can about the ultimate purpose of the building.
...yeah I agree, I'd go "stealth" and be discreet. I brought my rabbits with me when I moved back in with my dad, and his HOA doesn't allow rabbits except as pets, and certainly not in the numbers I've got. We built a lean-to where only one neighbor can see it, I don't tell anyone in the area about them, and I keep the rabbitry pretty darn spic and span to avoid smell issues. The single neighbor who knows...we just discreetly do a little of their yardwork from time to time and they express their gratitude by keeping their mouths shut. ;)

But whatever you choose to do, I hope it all works out!
I wouldn't mention the rabbits at all either.

What I would do is use heavy shade cloth on the sides (plenty of ventilation for the rabbits as well as a visual barrier to what is inside) and submit it as a screened in cabana or gazebo type area.
Why not work it as a shed of sorts? That's what I'd do. Apply for permission to build a shed, but include lots of windows. Yeah, it'll cost more, but won't they be more inclined to approve a shed than a rabbit shelter? Especially because they won't know what's IN the shed...

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