Stubborn Doe- what to do?

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2012
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My NZ white doe was bred last month, never kindled. She started pulling hair at 2 weeks, which she did last time too, but 35 days came and went tueday. So today i tried re-breeding her. She won't accept the buck, keeps her butt glued to the cage floor. I tried holding her, slipping my hand under her so he could get at her, but when i do that the buck won't hop on. Soon as I let her go, he jumps on and humps away, but can't get where he needs to be.
Tried my stud NZ red buck too, same results. I don't have enough hands to hold on to her, keep her tail up and put him on her.

Should I wait a little longer to try again, for just keep letting him try until he gets it?
She was pregnant when I got her, she kindled the end of May, but then it was too hot to breed her so I waited a couple months. Any tricks to getting her to go with the program?
There's lots of tricks and some of them work, some of the time. First, turn the doe over and check the colour of her genitals.
White to pale pink: don't waste your time
Deep pink to red: maybe...
Red to purple: hot to trot
You may have to try for a few days to catch her in a receptive stage.

Adding a small amount of BOSS for Vitamin E and dark leafy greens for Vitamin A can help. These vitamins are important for both willingness to breed and success. They sometimes are lost from commercial feed through heat and long storage.

A number of people have been reporting good results from giving their rabbits Celestial Seasoning's Raspberry Zinger tea the day before they want to breed them. We have no idea why it works, but it often does.
I have a fellow Havana breeder to swears by car rides. She loads the doe in a carrier and goes for a quick drive. She calls it "widow shopping", and of coarse her comment is what girl doesn't enjoy shopping. :shrug:
Sometimes i put the doe in the bucks cage and the buck in the does cage.leave them in over night.the next day try breeding.
The black oil sunflower seeds and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar per 32 ounces of water for one week. If possible try and hit a new moon, or full moon as well.

Both of my doe's were clamped to the cage three weeks ago, tried the above and bred on the new moon ='s one happy buck!

I have to give credit for this tip to Rick Worden, Rise and Shine Rabbitry. HTH,

Joe n TN":3nlqa4a6 said:
The black oil sunflower seeds and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar per 32 ounces of water for one week. If possible try and hit a new moon, or full moon as well.

Both of my doe's were clamped to the cage three weeks ago, tried the above and bred on the new moon ='s one happy buck!

I have to give credit for this tip to Rick Worden, Rise and Shine Rabbitry. HTH,


Thanks Joe, the 15th is the New Moon, and the 29th is the Full Moon. Will see what happens. Luna is our first doe ever to breed. This is all new to us. But know that the Moon does affect attraction. And not just bunnies.

ZRabbits":1esybbvf said:
But know that the Moon does affect attraction. And not just bunnies.


I don't put much stock in any of this stuff, though people swear by it, so this will be interesting to see if/who it works.
skysthelimit":c8kvdewn said:
ZRabbits":c8kvdewn said:
But know that the Moon does affect attraction. And not just bunnies.


I don't put much stock in any of this stuff, though people swear by it, so this will be interesting to see if/who it works.

I won't bet money on it either, but the Moon does strange things to some things. I know people are more irritated (being in Customer Service) around the Full Moon. Flowers also react to the Moon. Along with the Ocean. So who's to say it won't possibly have an affect on rabbits. It will be interesting to see what or if something happens. I'll let you know.
