stop breeding and start up again

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We breed through the winter and sometimes it gets down to -30 here. The netherlands have problems and lose a few litters but the meat breeds have big enough litters it's not an issue. Sept-Nov is one of our ideal breeding times. Dec-Jan is a bit of an issue. By March we are in full swing again. It's actually the summer that kills us. June to sept is iffy to get kits. Bucks go sterile, does go out of condition, kits overheat in their nests if you don't remove most of the fur...
Year round for me Mary Ann.
I try to have all does kindled by mid to late June.
Then start breeding again on the cool mornings in August.

Last year was a BEAR!! 103 degrees the last day of June, 2012.
Not good. This year has been very pleasant.
I've had does kindle every week-end through the summer.

I try to breed all year.

Akane has her rabbits in a barn, and most of them live in colonies.
This past winter I didn't really breed at all due to some non-rabbit life issues; before that my rabbitry was in a basement so it never got too warm or too cold to breed. This year I plan to breed a few more litters, then I'll pause (no kits born after December 1st!) but once I figure out my timeframes for the first shows of the year, I'll breed for 16-week-old juniors for that first show...meaning that they may not kindle in December but they might get bred then!!!
I started up my rabbitry full swing in the winter. But I have lights on a timer in a barn.
I try to breed all year long. I bred through the summer till August last year, then they stopped themselves. I started up again this year in February and bred all summer, but with the job problem I'm going to stop in October.
I breed throughout the year, weather permitting, and have no issues. If they want to be bred, great! If not, they don't get bred until they want to. I also breed according to cage space available. I don't mind putting off breeding because I just wouldn't have space to grow all the offspring since Mini Lops take time to see their full potential. I'm starting to get more show quality in my litters than pet quality ( yay) so I'll breed less frequently.<br /><br />__________ Sat Sep 07, 2013 4:17 pm __________<br /><br />I breed throughout the year, weather permitting, and have no issues. If they want to be bred, great! If not, they don't get bred until they want to. I also breed according to cage space available. I don't mind putting off breeding because I just wouldn't have space to grow all the offspring since Mini Lops take time to see their full potential. I'm starting to get more show quality in my litters than pet quality ( yay) so I'll breed less frequently.
I breed my Rabbits year-round.
Of course all the breeding is done on my schedule,
when I have the time and cage space to permit it,
but winter or summer does not deter me nor my Rabbits.
After all, they ARE breeding machines! Though that does not mean
one should take advantage of them. I breed them only if they
are physically healthy enough to produce and raise a litter
to weaning. [six to eight weeks].
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
I breed most of the year round but I go MUCH slower in the summer.

This summer I had four litters that I sold over the summer with three kindling in August. I don't really breed much for June and July.... I've lost does to heat and summer sales tend to be slow.

I breed the most from mid-September through to mid-April. Rabbits are housed outdoors all year round. I seldom lose kits in the winter, I lose them more quickly in the spring/summer.

The only ones that come in the house are litters under two in number, or small polish until they are furred (day three/four) and only for the night (11-6).
My breeding season is beginning of March through end of August due to my location, central Alberta, and my herd location, outdoors year round.
I'm trying to extend that, Whipple and I have 5 does due in the next two weeks, we'll see if we get anything from it *crossing fingers*
My young keeper does are bred the spring after they're born if they aren't big enough to breed by the end of the summer, I prefer to try to get them bred the same year they're born but it doesn't alway work that way.

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