Well-known member
So Spooky is doing well. I am allowing the older kits to nurs once a day, so that the little ones can get the bulk of the milk, since they can't eat solids. Spook doesn't seem to ANT to sit in there and let the hungry monsters devour her...but she is taing it well, just sitting and nibbling and they all get fed...they are all alive right now.
Two of the three brokens are almost white...they look like charlies, but are not, since their sire is a solid red. The other broken looks like Brandy's kits, with a white thing on i's head and socks on its feet. WEIRD! But I like them.
Then there are two black ones and three white ones.
The other, older kits...I have ONE doe. I had two, but my son broke ones back by throwing it when we were having bunny time.
POor thing. The one doe left is the black kit from Luna's litter, all the torts are boys...oh, and my "otters" turned into agouti. lol. Go figure! Everyone is healthy, Spooky is gaining weight (she is in my living room, getting spoiled rotten, but then, how many times is a 6 pound doe gonna be asked to care for three litters?) So she is doing well, too.
I am hopeful that these guys make it well...anytips for weaning a litter at three weeks? I kinda want to get the older kits on their own ASAP.
Two of the three brokens are almost white...they look like charlies, but are not, since their sire is a solid red. The other broken looks like Brandy's kits, with a white thing on i's head and socks on its feet. WEIRD! But I like them.
The other, older kits...I have ONE doe. I had two, but my son broke ones back by throwing it when we were having bunny time.
I am hopeful that these guys make it well...anytips for weaning a litter at three weeks? I kinda want to get the older kits on their own ASAP.