Sore hocks help

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
Reaction score
South River, Ontario
My very unpleasant SR doe... She seems to be 'tender' on her feet.. Funny walk (arched) and tending to try and sit on her own feet like she doesn't want them to touch the ground...

EDITED TO ADD: yes-- she does have a sore spot on each hock-- not broken or bare, but definitely sore. One hock has some inflammation and a broad callus -- sort of misshapen which is what leads me to believe there is swelling, edges look red/sore.

I have her a nestbox filled with shavings today and she is sitting in it a lot.

(Bearing in mind this rabbit is 8 lbs of pregnant crazy, due Sept. 1)
How do I proceed?
To reduce inflammation/pain and I assume to toughen the callus?
I read about cold tea bags?
Applying New Skin?
I swabbed with warm water tonight and put a little polysporin on in case there is any hidden cracks etc. but I can get to the farm supply store on Monday for what I need.

Further-- is there a way to tell in kits if they are going to be more or less prone? I think Moona will be going to camp anyway post-babies but I'd like to make the best choices I can going forward!
What we did was apply (and hold) an Epsom salt slurry to the sores for 10 minutes twice a day, and put toddler socks on the feet (longer than infant socks). We wrapped around the ankles with medical tape, tight enough to keep the socks from coming off unless the rabbit was really determined.


She never got the fur back, but they stay healed as long as we keep socks on her.

These are terrycloth sole toddler socks, for cushioning. :)

As for babies, you would just select for the thickest foot fur. <br /><br /> -- Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:25 pm -- <br /><br /> We also put cardboard in her cage while they healed. You can also get a bunch of slotted resting mats to put in.
Oh my goodness... This is my killer rabbit!
It would totally give her relief!
I'll do the slurry today.

Rex FB group suggested Sheetrock, which we have.
So she has the shavings in the nest and a big piece of Sheetrock to absorb any moisture etc.

(We gave all the pregnant does some and they love it LOL)

I can try socks... Are there other alternatives -- someone one said purple horse medicine... Is that Blu-Kote?
Yes, that would probably be Blu-Kote. It would help with infection and healing, but it won't help relieve the pressure on her feet.

I wasn't sure you'd be able to use my advice, since you had said she was a world of fury, but I figured I'd stick it out there just in case.

I have heard of using sheetrock before. I might have to get some myself. :) MSD's bunny buckets would probably help in that area, too.
Breed for denser fur and better bone. Look for the kits with the shortest, thickest foot. It's a problem with Rex lines, you have to breed for better or find someone who does.