Someone please help me identify this

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Mar 10, 2015
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My bunny had this same thing about a year ago. We never really figured out what it was. We treated it as ringworm with topical creams but penny just would lick it off then it started making her hair fall out and made it way worse. We ended up getting her fixed and while she was in the surgery they shaved her around the area and while she was recovering it pretty much healed. Now this is back and she has two. It's a circle which makes me think ring worm. The skin on the edge of the circle is dry and flaky but not red. The skin in the middle of circle is actually hair that's growing back. I wanted to let it play out and see if it went away on its own because we made it so much worse the first time but now there are two. Please help me.


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Where are these spots?

I'm thinking it's not ringworm. Ringworm should present with some redness and crusting.

It could be fur mites, which would account for the flaking, but the vigorous return of the fur with no treatment makes me think maybe that's not it.

If the rabbit is outside, perhaps the fur could have frozen to the wire, and was removed when the rabbit moved... I had this happen once, and other members helped me unravel the mystery. The fact that it happened right around this time last year supports this as being the cause, too. Unless Penny is an inside bunny.

If it's on the shoulders behind the head, it's probably mites. If it's on the face or belly or sides, it could be fur that froze to the wire. But I'm thinking that in spite of the round shape... I just don't think it's ringworm.

Nu-Stock and Blue-Kote both treat a wide range of skin issues, and can be gotten at many feed stores. I know for sure that Nu-Stock treats ringworm. Blue-Kote stains readily whether wet or dry, and Nu-Stock is messy and smells like pine and sulphur (and must be shaken or mixed before use). Neither tends to be licked off much by animals.

Welcome to RabbitTalk! :welcomewagon: I'm sure some of our other helpful members will chime in shortly. :D
It Is possible that the fur was simply pulled off (somehow), leaving a wound behind. Usually, the hair won't start to grow back so quickly in an area where there is fungus growing or mites. As MissM said, you could always apply a salve that is not based on medication and see what happens, or leave it alone for a bit, see whether it improves (would more indicate fur pulled out) or gets worse (would more indicate mites or fungus). Good luck with her and welcome!
She lives inside. It's definitely not a type of injury. It is on her back towards her rear end. You actually can not see the spot unless u pull back the fur. The thing that is weird is that it is a perfect circle, the exact same thing has last time. If it was a wound or mites the chances of a perfect circle not once but twice a year apart is slim. The skin is is not red but almost a brown but not like a bright red as I would expect.
Hormone problem? That's more often on the belly. Allergy?
Chicago Illinois <br /><br /> -- Wed Mar 11, 2015 9:01 pm -- <br /><br /> Does anyone have any experience with the medicine Program(lufenuron) ? If it is a good option for ringworm can you post a link to where I can find it? Thank you
Spratay":ke80ui7k said:
Chicago Illinois
then it is not really the right season for a bacterial infection (often called a "hot spot") but since shaving the area and allowing the air to dry it out worked before I would try it again, betadine is sometimes recommended to dab on hot spots to help kill the bacteria

Does anyone have any experience with the medicine Program(lufenuron) ? If it is a good option for ringworm can you post a link to where I can find it? Thank you
using Lufenuron to treat ringworm is an off lable use and there is no research on the required effective dose but it is a fairly safe drug and I don't think it would hurt to try it :shrug:

What were you using to treat for ringworm last time?