First off thank you for this website- without it and its frequent posts I would be lost. So, that's why I decided to join. And, judging by how many questions I have I can't tell if this is lucky for you all or not.
Second off:
I'm not sure where this goes. As this is a site for both pet and profit rabbits, I was going to post this where the cage questions go but I was afraid I'd make someone upset due to it not being in the fur rabbit section and so if this is in the wrong place I'm so sorry. D:
Third off: You guys have the cutest emojis.
Okay now onto business.
I'm new to this. In fact, I haven't even gotten my rabbits yet. I know, I'm behind. We recently moved out to a farm and there is nothing for me to do. So, after doing some research and volunteering my brother (he doesn't know it yet, but he's younger so guess who's gonna win the argument.>> This chick. <<) I decided fur/meat rabbits would be entertaining and it would pay for itself.
Unfortunately, I have no idea what I am doing.
I have ideas, but I'm not sure about them. I have theories but I don't think they would work. Y'see, I don't want to buy any store cages, I want to make my own. but not out of any normal material. No, that'd be too easy!
For the outside rabbits I want to make their cages out of wooden frames and storage cubes.
Or this stuff:
I have 64 of them from when I had my very spoiled, very satanic Lion Head rabbit. I have 14inch ones. So I figure if I made a wooden frame thats two tall, and make a beam that goes every 14 inches across, I could slide the cubes into the frame and viola! Recycling! Right?
For the bottom, of course, I'd use 1/4th inch wire mesh so their little tootsies wouldn't get caught... But for the sides that would work, yes?
And about food: would an all natural diet work? I want to start them out on pellets, but then I'd like to make a garden for them, but I'm not exactly sure how to go about doing it to the rate that I'd need for three does and one buck PLUS to feed the babies after they wean until slaughter.
Also! Best rabbits for fur? Best rabbits for meat?
Annd finally. Coyotes. The death of everything.
How do I keep the canine jerks away from my precious bunbuns? :evil:
First off thank you for this website- without it and its frequent posts I would be lost. So, that's why I decided to join. And, judging by how many questions I have I can't tell if this is lucky for you all or not.
Second off:
I'm not sure where this goes. As this is a site for both pet and profit rabbits, I was going to post this where the cage questions go but I was afraid I'd make someone upset due to it not being in the fur rabbit section and so if this is in the wrong place I'm so sorry. D:
Third off: You guys have the cutest emojis.
Okay now onto business.
I'm new to this. In fact, I haven't even gotten my rabbits yet. I know, I'm behind. We recently moved out to a farm and there is nothing for me to do. So, after doing some research and volunteering my brother (he doesn't know it yet, but he's younger so guess who's gonna win the argument.>> This chick. <<) I decided fur/meat rabbits would be entertaining and it would pay for itself.
Unfortunately, I have no idea what I am doing.
I have ideas, but I'm not sure about them. I have theories but I don't think they would work. Y'see, I don't want to buy any store cages, I want to make my own. but not out of any normal material. No, that'd be too easy!
For the outside rabbits I want to make their cages out of wooden frames and storage cubes.
Or this stuff:
I have 64 of them from when I had my very spoiled, very satanic Lion Head rabbit. I have 14inch ones. So I figure if I made a wooden frame thats two tall, and make a beam that goes every 14 inches across, I could slide the cubes into the frame and viola! Recycling! Right?
For the bottom, of course, I'd use 1/4th inch wire mesh so their little tootsies wouldn't get caught... But for the sides that would work, yes?
And about food: would an all natural diet work? I want to start them out on pellets, but then I'd like to make a garden for them, but I'm not exactly sure how to go about doing it to the rate that I'd need for three does and one buck PLUS to feed the babies after they wean until slaughter.
Also! Best rabbits for fur? Best rabbits for meat?
Annd finally. Coyotes. The death of everything.
How do I keep the canine jerks away from my precious bunbuns? :evil: