Showing a SR???

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2011
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If I have a SR who does not meet senior weight(under), can they not be shown?

I could be wrong but as I was told in ND's they need to be at least 2lbs to show as SR.... Oliver is about 6 1/2 months and weighs 1.14.... Granted, it would not be hard to treat him up to 2 lbs, but I am just curious as to how it works if there is more of a weight difference...
All I'm finding is seniors not over 2 1/2lbs with rabbits as close as possible to 2lbs being placed higher than smaller or larger rabbits. Maybe someone will come along with an actual SOP but all the standards online don't list a minimum weight for any age. Only maximums and ideal.
If a judge suspects a rabbit is less than the minimum weight, he or she puts it on the scale and then DQs if the it did not meet the weight in the standard.

I am surprised when rabbits get dq'd for that, especially when they are substantially over or under weight. Seems like such an easy thing to check! And it takes so much effort to get a rabbit ready and transport them to a show, and the stress of it all. If they are not the right weight before I send in the paper work, they do not go to that show.

Your bunny is barely sr age, and so close to sr weight, he should be showable very soon.
Yes he can be shown as a senior.i have never had a dwarf dqed for being too fact 5 years ago the smalller ones won the shows.theres no minimum senior weight.specializing in Netherland Dwarfs.