Should You Always Put a Doe To a Smaller Buck?

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Apr 10, 2015
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Derbyshire, England
I Have a Doe 3lb 1 oz and a Buck 3lb 5oz Would It Be Safe To Breed Them. They Are Both Pure Miniature Lop. Both Are Healthy and At good Health. This Doe is 7 Months, She's Still Growing But Very Slowly. The Buck Is 9 Months. I Was Planning On Waiting Until She Grew Bigger But She's Very Hormonal And Wants To Be Bred. She Looks Ready Other Than Her Size, I Only Want To Do Whats safe For Her. Advice? Thank You
It would be fine to breed them. :)

It's good not to breed a doe to a buck that is a lot larger than she is, but these two are practically the same size. You wouldn't want to breed her to a Californian or a New Zealand or Flemish, but the difference between her and your buck is miniscule.

Welcome to RabbitTalk! :welcomewagon: What do you have planned for the babies?
Yes, a couple ounce difference or even a pound in small breeds is not a big deal, it's when people want to cross their 10 pound New Zealand buck to 5 pound Mini Lop doe that you can run into problems.

You say your rabbits are purebred Miniature Lops but they are too small to be this breed (unless you're in the UK, New Zealand or Australia ) , Mini's are 4 to 6 pounds, did you mean Holland Lops which are 2 to 4 lb ?
I'm in The UK. Thank You For The Help. :bunnyhop: <br /><br /> -- Fri Apr 10, 2015 7:09 am -- <br /><br /> Turns out This Buck Is actually 3 lb 6. I Breed For Pet and Show. Because of her size I didn't have much Choice On Colours. They are orange and black otter so Not Too Bad of a Pairing, I just Hope There won't be too many Black otters lol
You'll probay get mostly chestnut / black agouti from this pairing

Do you know if either of your rabbits carry the dwarf gene? Over here many breeders use false dwarf Hollands (our version of Miniature lops) as brood does (since true dwarf does are more prone to birthing issues) and so they don't get peanut / double dwarf kits

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