Shelf Cages in A Shed

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May 15, 2015
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So, here's my plan for rabbits. Using the small side shed as a base(16" deep, 2.5-3' wide, 6' tall), I plan to build a shelf-like cage setup. Each rabbit would have a litterbox and a pan underneath the cage to catch droppings. Snakes are an issue here, so would a 1/2" x 1/2" wire bottom allow droppings to fall through? If not, I can enclose the whole space to keep snakes out. The area is completely shaded, and I will add screens to the sides for ventilation. Just wanting to make sure I get all the materials I'll need.

Thank you all for your help! :)
1/2" x 1/2" wire bottom allow droppings to fall through?
that depends on the size of your rabbits :)

The poops from my 10+ pound does gets stuck in the 1" x 1/2" and I frequently have to scrape out "poop pancakes" especially the week after a kindle

I am purposefully breeding my meat mutts to be under 9 pounds as adults to avoid this problem