Setting up a spreadsheet?

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May 11, 2015
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I want to keep accurate records of my breeders and their offspring. I am going to try and get a spreadsheet set up, but am not sure what all is necessary to include? Right now I am thinking:

Tattoo (which I am going to be doing soon - the lone buck is Jr, and each does single initial B, E, J, M, P, S, V)
Age (if known)
bred date
kindle date
-total # of kits/live kits
-4 and/or 8 week kit weights

As for the kits, most of which will be for a family meat source, some might be sold - I have a tattoo system that I am figuring out that would include:

first initial of doe (each is different)
year (2015 will be "A", 2016 "B", etc.)
litter number (1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C, etc.)
kit number (1-however many in the litter)

So in theory there would be a max of 5 digits - 3 letters then 1 or 2 numbers. If for some reason I do more than 26 litters in a year I can do 2A, 2B, 2C, etc.)

I want to start out with a thorough system so that I don't have to try and fill in any missing information from memory later on down the road. Currently I only have 1 buck, but plan on keeping one of the future kits for a breeder (once I figure out what I am looking for for sure). The one I have now isn't highly motivated, which is going to make breeding... interesting :shock: :lol: . I just got him though so I don't know if it's his personality, the heat, his weight, or any number of other factors (just tried him out the other day).
I keep several spreadsheets. Will see if I can attach a doc that has the column headings.

Used to make my living designing databases. Retired now. Have a killer schema put together and "one of these days" in my "spare time" I plan to sit down and put it all together in MS Access. Then I can build a little application around it, etc.

Anyway, I raise New Zealands (so that's why you don't see any headings for breed) and I sell mostly to backyard breeders and raw feeders. Hope the info helps.


  • Spreadsheeets.pdf
    3.5 KB · Views: 165
Awesome, thank you!

Here is what I have so far... I forgot tattoo info (haven't tattooed any yet). I plan on dressing it up a bit more, just trying to get all the info in right now. There is a tab for each breeder, the last 3 are going to be hidden as soon as I get done since I no longer have them. I still want their records though.


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