Separated Buck and Doe, Now I Feel Guilty.

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Well-known member
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Dec 27, 2009
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North of Toronto
Well, I built a partition wall in the colony and put Fred in there to give Morgan a break. He was very upset that he couldn't get back in with the other rabbits and explored his entire area looking for a way out. He is still eating and drinking fine but now he sits quietly looking through the wire at the other bunnies. Morgan lies down near the door to the partition as if trying to keep close to him. They got along well since I put them in the colony, often lying together and not minding the little buns jumping all over them. However, poor Morgan is about to pop out her fourth litter in a row with no break and I"m worried about wearing her out.

I"m starting to work on an addition to the colony and plan to put another doe in there, separate from Morgan, so he can spend some time with one and then some time with the other but for now he has to sit by himself and I feel terrible each time I go out there and see him pining for the other rabbits.

How many litters in a row is too many? She had a litter Jan. 13, Feb. 14, March 18 and is due this week. I"m glad the colony is a success but, wow!
As long as she is not loosing weight, getting raggedy and otherwise unhealthy, it should technically be fine.
I have a Cali pair that has to be housed in the same hutch, they are always escaping to the other side to visit each other. =D
She gets very, very upset when his other girlfriends stop by!
Lol, yeah, I think she is getting a little bony which is why I separated them. Hopefully when I get a second doe he will at least be in the company of one or the other which should make him happy plus each doe will be able to give birth without him trying to mount her while she's doing it!
most rabbits will "break" themselves. They are living creatures they know when their body isn't right. My doe "purrs" when I put her in for her 4 th litter and won't rebreed for 2 weeks. So she gets that 4 week break when she needs it.
It will work fine, I think, once you have two doe pens. Fred will be frustrated in the meantime, but unless you see signs of a real problem, I wouldn't worry too much. Is his area big enough that you could put your second doe in with him until you get the extension built? That would give him company for a few weeks and then he could go back in with Morgan. It could buy you several weeks to get the extension built.
ditto what maggiej said. sounds like you will have something like her two sided colony with the buck switching back and forth between them to rest the does.

this is somewhat what i hope to do as well.
best of luck!

oh and dont forget we need to see this successful colony or it didnt happen! :mrgreen: ;) :popcorn: