Seeds to boost Protein Levels

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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2012
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If a person wants to add a little something to their feed to boost protein and such, without switching pellets, Here is the nutritional analysis of the seeds that I feed/tablespoon.


2.9 protein............3.5 protein...........2.6 protein
7.3 fat...................5.5 fat..................6 fat
1.2 fiber.................1.5 fiber...............4 fiber
11 calcium.............43 Calcium.............36 calcium

Just add a table spoon to their daily feed. I recommend feeding it in a separate dish or at a different time to discourage digging.
Yes. Basically if you add one tablespoon you will add this much to your feed. Considering if there are about 7 table spoons to 100 grams.
It isn't 100% perfect because it is calculated by converting weight to mass, but it is close. Figured it would at least give people an idea of what they would need to add to boost their protein levels.

__________ Sun Dec 23, 2012 2:17 pm __________

One ounce of a 16% pellet will give a rabbit 4.536 grams of protein. There are 8 ounces per cup. So if you are feeding 1 cup of pellets you are giving your rabbit 36.288 grams of protein.

If you are feeding a 14% protein one ounce is 3.969 grams. So one cup would be 31.752 grams.

18% pellet one ounce = 5.103 so one cup would be 40.824

So with these calculations you can now add seeds to your 14% feed to raise the protein to a level that works for you at a cheaper cost.
There are a lot of table spoons of seed in a $7 ten pound bag of seed.
Even if you figure 1 ounce per tablespoon (when actually it is about two per tablespoon) that is 160 ounces. That is only 4 cents per tablespoon.

Pretty cheap way to add protein in my eyes.<br /><br />__________ Sun Dec 23, 2012 2:19 pm __________<br /><br />So if I am feeding a 14% pellet but want to boost it to 18% I would add 3 tablespoons of BOSS. And Vola' 18%.

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