sceaming buck?

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Active member
Jan 18, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
I bred Sage(NZ/REX cross) to one of my does today. He bred to her 3 times. First two times he did the OMG fall off her thing, third time he let out a scream. He did the same thing 2 weeks ago when I bred him to a different doe. First two times normal, third time he let out a blood curdling scream. I tipped him over and his penis looked very red with a little blood. Is this normal? Should I not use him anymore? I do have 2 other bucks. These are meat rabbits, not for show.
No... that is not normal. When I've heard about the screaming thing before, it's been sometimes tied to vent disease, other times to overexcitement. With the blood, I'd tend to think something's wrong. :(
One of mine has made a sound like a horse before when he fell off but I've never had a scream so I would tend to think that something was wrong with his manhood.
My bucks scream/grunt all the time, however the blood causes concern and worry for me. They've NEVER had that, might want to really check him out and watch for VD/other problems.
You should take a look at the doe's vent as well. It is possible that the blood was from her.
I had been told by the rabbitry I originally got rabbits from to breed 3 times to be sure it took. He bred her 3 times in a matter of 5 min. He wasn't wasting any time. There wasn't any blood(just scream with third time) when he was bred this last time(FEB 28TH) just 2 weeks ago with original doe. His manhood looks normal, no discharge or anything unusual. I've never had a sick rabbit and it is a closed rabbitry, no shows, fairs etc. so no exposure to other rabbits.
I had been told by the rabbitry I originally got rabbits from to breed 3 times to be sure it took.

I don't breed mine 3x and still have good litter size,[I have experimented with that,"3x program", and found no advantage] I do let them breed them 2x if the buck, bucks are not too over-worked. but --a lot of the time I just breed 1x and watch to see if the doe pees in the next few min, and if she does pee then I let the buck breed her a second time. I have noticed a increase in litter size if a doe is bred to 2 different bucks, but I have no idea why.
Some bucks are just screamers, I have one like that. I breed 2x, since the second ejaculate has the highest sperm count, and call it good. BTW, the doe peeing after being bred doesn't interfere with conception. The sperm is deposited much higher than where the urine comes out... :)
Well thanks all for advice. I think I'll just let him do it twice. I didn't know sperm count was greater the second time. First batch of kits for this spring are due on St Patty's Day. Can't wait. I don't have any litters in the winter, I worry about it being too cold although some are breeding in very cold and seem to be doing very well. Might try a winter litter next year.

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