Today when I got home the storms were even worse-Welcome to FL in the summer! The runts look so much worse- still moving but sooo skinny. I know they are not going to make it. I just can't decide if I should do anything about it. I feel like I should just let nature take its course but as a vet tech I feel obligated to end their suffering. I could take them to work & euthanize them tomorrow- but that would be stressful for them. I could use a pencil (cervical dislocation)- I just am not sure I'm up for that. I will probably just bring stuff home to euthanize them tomorrow after work (I get off early). They may not make it that long...
The other 5 kits are fat & sassy- though one is definitely the smaller of the 5. I will have to keep an eye on that one now.
How old do they have to be before we can sex them?