Well-known member
You all know how mostly all I talk about are otters and opals, and how to get them (sables too). I bred Scream (castor) twice to Cyc (otter), and Fava (bk castor) to Cyc once, trying to get otters. Scream consistently has several castors, REW, and blacks (though one litter she had an amber and chocolate, but not with me). Her best ones are usually the REWs. I don't care for REW, but I kept a doe, thinking I might be able to use her in a sable or chin program. Well I bred her to Elmo (bk black). Of course no REW because Elmo doesn't carry REW, probably the only one of my buns who doesn't. I got some bk blacks, blacks and what I thought were castors. Easy then, she's a castor. Well they are 7 days old, and three days ago (day 4) I noticed some tan under the nostrils. Not totally unusual for a castor, but they seemed too dark. The fur should be coming in castor color now. I didn't take them out of the box yesterday or the day before, but they still looked too dark from what I could see in the box. I took a look at the litter of mini rexes (hoping one would be an opal) and they are on day 5, and their castor color is clear. I pulled them out side by side and...
mini rexes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rexes
They are obviously not CASTOR!!! My REW, the one I would have culled because I didn't want more REW, is what I wanted after all, an otter or a castor carrying otter. Phew. If she had been a buck, she would have been history by now. Still wondering what the REW buck is hiding?
P.S. I have not had an otter with a tan triangle at birth. The three I had last litter had bald spots well after the rest of the fur came in, then gradually developed tan triangles on the neck later on.

mini rexes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rexes
They are obviously not CASTOR!!! My REW, the one I would have culled because I didn't want more REW, is what I wanted after all, an otter or a castor carrying otter. Phew. If she had been a buck, she would have been history by now. Still wondering what the REW buck is hiding?
P.S. I have not had an otter with a tan triangle at birth. The three I had last litter had bald spots well after the rest of the fur came in, then gradually developed tan triangles on the neck later on.