Hello! I've been stalking these forums for quite some time now just absorbing as much information as I could as I entered my rabbit adventure. Please excuse me as I am still learning!
I've been breeding meat rabbits for about two years now at a very small scale (1 doe for the first year, now 2 does). I offer my rabbits up for sale before visiting the freezer camp, and usually sell one or two from each litter to locals who want to join our wonderful rabbit world. Last week, I was approached by an elderly snowbird who was wanting a rabbit just for the summer for her grandchildren to play with and learn how to be responsible. I've checked out her set up and have no real concerns to even sell to her, but I'm hung up on the renting idea. I know there are people locally who rent out rabbits, chickens, and other livestock to people to let the children have the experience, so it's not a totally foreign idea. They usually provide am enclosure and all the food, and are typically for one week at a time. The average price I have found for a "rent-a-rabbit" programs is $30-50/day or $100-150/week.
That being said, I haven't seen anything for a price for a full month. I was thinking of providing 5 months worth of pellets, one months worth of hay, and the rabbit for just $200 -- and even that seemed so expensive for me!
So what are everyone's thoughts on this? Has anyone rented out a bunny before and have advice? What about the price? That's just the cost that I'd charge normally for that amount of food/hay/rabbit if I were selling it, only now I am getting the rabbit back in the end. It's an odd situation for me and would love any input!
Thanks, all!