rabbits & tree bark (& branches)

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Oct 27, 2013
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Someone told me that rabbits can eat tree bark. Was just curious if anyone else has heard of this.
I know they can chew on a few different branches (with bark on) like apple and i believe willow aswell:)
Rabbits will gnaw anything, one of the reasons you should never make rabbit hutches from wolmanized wood, but fresh tree bark of some species is very nutritious.

I give my guys willow, ash, maple, apple and pear branches, rose and raspberry canes and they eat every bit.
When we get a lot of snow that stays, the wild ones here gnaw rings around all the trees. Mine also love branches from any fruit tree, sunflowers and roses as well. Hoping to get some raspberries in for them next year too.
Bark makes up a large part of wild rabbits diet in the Winter in the colder parts of the country.
You're welcome Zee! It's a pleasure to be able to share knowledge for the betterment of bunnies everywhere! :lilbunny:

Maggie spent untold hours compiling that list :reading1: :typing: , so the more people that can benefit from her work, the better. :)