Rabbits are confusing! (please help!)

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Jun 14, 2015
Reaction score
Fairmount, Illinois
So, I'm starting to think that I am just no good at palpating, or maybe after watching 100 videos I am STILL doing it wrong! I bred all 4 of my does. 1 is at 12 days since breeding, 1 is at 10, and 1 is at 9, and the last doe is at about a week. I'm sure my does are sick of seeing my face, because every time I'm out in the garage I'm poking at them, haha.

Now at one point I thought I had 2 Cal does, and I kept them together until I realized one had a set of boy parts. :oops: That was little less than a month ago. Now I for sure have 1 Cal doe. All my rabbits are about the same the size. Except the Cal doe. She is HUGE! They are all fed the same food, same time, and same amount, but she's got a belly on her! So I was thinking maybe her, and the buck were up to something when I thought they were both does. I set a nest box in there, and she hoped right in, but she is mostly interested in eating the box right now.

Everyone is telling me if I can't feel anything palpating to just use the wait, and see method, and put nest boxes in at 28 days. Which I plan on doing, but for me personally I would like to be able to palpate to get a more accurate perspective on who's pregnant, and who's not.

Also when I go to give them hay for their nests is alfalfa what I should be giving them? Our neighbor grows it so I can get a bale whenever I need for free.

This palpating thing is becoming more of a headache than something of excitement.
I feel terrible poking at them to learn to palpate , so I give up trying quickly. While I would like to be able to be successful at it, none of mine like my trying and it seems to stress them out. I may keep trying in the future, but for now I have been able to see movement and kicks and tell by how big they are...
I've been doing my best to be gentle, and make them comfortable. They seem pretty relaxed when I palpate I just don't feel anything, haha. <br /><br /> -- Tue Oct 06, 2015 1:02 pm -- <br /><br /> I've been doing my best to be gentle, and make them comfortable. They seem pretty relaxed when I palpate I just don't feel anything, haha.
Well that's good then....I have wondered if I am too gentle, to the point where I am not feeling anything because I am not trying hard enough, lol.....
That's me. I had this messed up dream a few months back that I was palpating one of the does, and I could feel the babies, but I was pressing too hard, and in the dream I pop them. Like I literally felt the pop! :x Since that dream I am so super gentle!
If you really have your heart set on babies and none took, let me know. I have several young mini lops available, 3 litters of californians, and 5 pregnant mini lops.
I can already hear Jesse, lmao! No no no! We have no cage space, and no money to build more right now! Haha. I asked him last week about a Velveteen, and he said not until we buy the shed next year, and make more cages.

Well I do still have 2 cages outside open, but we'll be moving them into the garage this weekend, and using them as grow out cages incase we do end up with babies.
It REALLY depends on the doe too! For me, smaller does are easier. :)
My Dutch mix is practically impossible to tell if she is pregnant or not, but I felt babies on the first try with my new HL doe. :)
Becca":1m4j64h6 said:
I can already hear Jesse, lmao! No no no! We have no cage space, and no money to build more right now! Haha. I asked him last week about a Velveteen, and he said not until we buy the shed next year, and make more cages.

Well I do still have 2 cages outside open, but we'll be moving them into the garage this weekend, and using them as grow out cages incase we do end up with babies.

Oh, come on, there's always room for a little lop....
I saw a youtube video on how to practice with a bag of rabbit innards and grapes in a ziplock bag. Haven't tried it. One thing it suggested is feeling male or non-pregnant females so you can tell the difference when you do feel the babies.
I don't even try anymore... I felt for kits 3 days before a doe was due and didn't think I felt anything. She had her 7 kits 3 days later. LOL Talk about feeling stupid. I was thankful though! :)

I just assume they are pregnant and plan accordingly. Of the breedings we've done, we've only had one time that a doe did not become pregnant.

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