Rabbitry Credit question

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Oct 30, 2014
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
I have purchased a pedigreed NZR doe who inadvertently became pregnant at her owner's place, to another pedigreed NZR buck. The owner told me that if she kindled, he would send a copy of the buck's paperwork for my records and for the kits, so he's kosher with the plan.

I took a chance on the doe, realizing this is her first litter, and you don't count your chickens before they hatch. My question is, since both rabbits involved are credited to the rabbitry they came from (that I don't dispute), when the babies are born and if they make it to adulthood, whose rabbitry name goes on their papers? Mine, since they were kindled and raised under my roof? Or do they get credited to the rabbitry I bought the doe from?
I think, the best bet would be to contact the rabbitry and ask how they feel about it.
I have seen people insist that their names has to go on pedigrees if you use their bucks for stud...but..

IMO, your rabbity name would probably be most appropriate on pedigrees if they are born at your place, since it's you who is going to determine whom to cull and whom to sell.

I know I wouldn't want my name attached to kits that I didn't get to sort through personally...
The Sire and Dams name goes on the Pedigree.
The kits Name, since it was born in your rabbitry
gets your heading: So and So's Blah Blah Blah.
You just have to have a reliable Pedigree. All information
should be printed as it is/was. After all, you raised the kit to maturity.
Ottersatin :eek:ldtimer:

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