Rabbit Treats

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Frozen banana slices, banana chips, dehydrated pineapple- those are what mine get, for now, as treats.
The "poison" in the apple seeds makes one health stronger.
The trace of cyanide will boost immune system and I eat them every time.
Avoiding bacteria, poisons, viruses makes one very weak.
Frecs":2sk9renc said:
And, since the seeds are bitter, it is unlikely the rabbits will eat any and certainly not enough to poison them...
I eat them and they are not bitter.
Poplar is bitter and they like it.
Some of the bitter plants have beneficial digestive effects.
Look, they contain cyanide. What doesn't hurt a grown person could and would, make a kid get a nasty belly ache. It is also a known fact that 1/2 cup seeds could kill a child or ederly adult. And with that being said how big is a rabbit?? Can they over eat?? Google it and the effects. And that is all I'm saying on this subject. Good day.
Andrei":3q5e5lgs said:
The "poison" in the apple seeds makes one health stronger.
The trace of cyanide will boost immune system and I eat them every time.
Avoiding bacteria, poisons, viruses makes one very weak.

Trace doses of cyanide does not build jack. Low-level cyanide exposure over long periods of time has consistently shown through medical research to cause nothing but long term health defects. A base chemical poison does not boost anyone's immune system. Cyanide inhibits the flow of oxygen through your body. The hard shell of an apple or a peach pit keeps it from being a serious issue if swallowed, but the long term ingestion of those seeds leads to a weaker immune system.

It's one thing when you spout off this voodoo junk about rabbits, but when you come out and say a little bit of cyanide is good for you, you're being a jerk who could get people hurt.
It's easy enough to cut the apple across the core so the seeds can be knocked out before giving it to the rabbit. The thing is, we do not know how many seeds it would take to poisoning a rabbit. Why take chances?

Nice easy treat for rabbits... air-dried whole grain bread cubes. I sometimes cut a slice into about 16 cubes and let them air dry. Rabbits love them and the very small quantity will not harm them.
phillinley":15d3dsof said:
Andrei":15d3dsof said:
The "poison" in the apple seeds makes one health stronger.
The trace of cyanide will boost immune system and I eat them every time.
Avoiding bacteria, poisons, viruses makes one very weak.

Trace doses of cyanide does not build jack. Low-level cyanide exposure over long periods of time has consistently shown through medical research to cause nothing but long term health defects. A base chemical poison does not boost anyone's immune system. Cyanide inhibits the flow of oxygen through your body. The hard shell of an apple or a peach pit keeps it from being a serious issue if swallowed, but the long term ingestion of those seeds leads to a weaker immune system.

It's one thing when you spout off this voodoo junk about rabbits, but when you come out and say a little bit of cyanide is good for you, you're being a jerk who could get people hurt.
Well Said!!! :goodpost:
Mountain Spice":w0xcdeps said:
Look, they contain cyanide.
It is also a known fact that 1/2 cup seeds could kill a child or ederly adult.
I take the challenge.
How many apples one need to get 1/2 cup of seeds?<br /><br />__________ Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:30 pm __________<br /><br />
phillinley":w0xcdeps said:
Andrei":w0xcdeps said:
The "poison" in the apple seeds makes one health stronger.
The trace of cyanide will boost immune system and I eat them every time.
Avoiding bacteria, poisons, viruses makes one very weak.

1. Low-level cyanide exposure over long periods of time has consistently shown through medical research to cause nothing but long term health defects.
2. A base chemical poison does not boost anyone's immune system.
3. It's one thing when you spout off this voodoo junk about rabbits, but when you come out and say a little bit of cyanide is good for you, you're being a jerk who could get people hurt.
1. Do you have any scientific tests to prove that? And not chemical cyanide but organic.
2. Be venom is 1000 more potent then an apple seed. Agree? And it is the base for the "vaccine" used for HIV and leukemia and other immune deficiency health problems. I have taken over 6000 stings and I have not gotten sick in a decade. Wander why.
3. I like this one. Nature does a lot of voodoo for the ones that do not listen to It. Ask your rabbit what he likes and want. Learn to listen.
Thank you for your wisdom.
And if one does some study regarding the use of the word "stupid" will find out that it reflects the frustration of others not accepting their point of view and their inability to present a rational argument.
But some are humans and others are .... mountains.
Andrei, I must request that you provide documentation regarding the safety of food items for rabbits. You have been making some very controversial claims without a shred of documentation to back them up. I must also request that you provide the Latin names for the plants you suggest as feed. Failure to do so may result in deletion of the post.

Mountain Spice, I need to remind you that however much you may disagree with another member, it is important to do so with courtesy. Andrei... the same goes for you and for everyone else. Rudeness, sarcasm and disrespect are not permitted here on RabbitTalk.

(Now where did I put that hammer? :bash: Oh, there it is!)

Could we please return now to the original topic?

Weeds and other plants from the Safe Plants list are usually very popular with rabbits. :)
Andrei":1gw1czq7 said:
1. Do you have any scientific tests to prove that? And not chemical cyanide but organic.
2. Be venom is 1000 more potent then an apple seed. Agree? And it is the base for the "vaccine" used for HIV and leukemia and other immune deficiency health problems. I have taken over 6000 stings and I have not gotten sick in a decade. Wander why.
3. I like this one. Nature does a lot of voodoo for the ones that do not listen to It. Ask your rabbit what he likes and want. Learn to listen.

First off, you have no scientific evidence for any of the junk you spew on these pages. As to scientific evidence, the CDC, the Department of Health, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, all have clinical evidence on the toxological effects of cyanide in humans easily available from any google search. What on earth are you talking about with flipping bee venom? It has absolutely nothing to do with cyanide. Note I said in the last post that cyanide is a base chemical poison. Poisonous venom from snakes and venom of bees are not a base chemical poison and the body can produce antibodies to attack and neutralize it, which is why antivenoms exist and an immunity can be built up to certain poisons. That's like making the argument, "well I just had some raspberries, and these random berries I just found in the woods look similar, so these must be edible as well."

And if I asked your rabbits what they had to say about you if I bothered to listen they would say that you are deaf.

Maggie you can delete this no problem, I didn't see the ban hammer coming out before posting.
It sound fair and I will provide the latin names and and test results for the controversial items.
As a chemist I love the complexity of Nature offerings and the reasons behind their existence.
Of course 99% of the population think that Urtica Doica is a very dangerous plant that needs to be avoided at all cost.
There is 1% that enjoys the power this plant has.
Andrei":2ca3gy9d said:
Of course 99% of the population think that Urtica Doica is a very dangerous plant that needs to be avoided at all cost.
There is 1% that enjoys the power this plant has.

What the bleep are you talking about? Stinging Nettle in extract form is an important herb for those who suffer from arthritis. Its medicinal uses are well known and widely used. 99% of people think Stinging Nettle should be avoided at all costs WHILE ON A HIKE.