rabbit off of feed

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Not good. :(

I am assuming you mean you have her in quarantine when you say you have moved her. Is she eating at all? Can you bribe her with some dandelions or other safe weeds? Is she still drinking? Pooping?

I don't know if you need advice or not, Mary Ann, since you've had rabbits for such a long time, but for the benefit of other members who are less experienced and who might be reading this, a rabbit going off its feed is usually a very serious matter. It will be vital to get some nutrition and fluids into her. If she is not pooping that is also a serious concern.

Hope she makes it, Mary Ann. :clover: :good-luck: :clover: :good-luck: :clover:
oh sorry Maggie.. I had two in one cage.. so I had to move her to her own cage to keep a closer eye on her.. Right now she isn't eating or drinking.. but I did see her pee this morning.. so I am syringing liquid in her right now and tonight I will be liquid some food .. she isn't grinding her teeth yet.. but I hope I got her in time as last night she was ok.. I change my type of grains as I ran out and I guess her stomach couldn't take it.. She is smaller than the other one..
Some rabbits are just so sensitive even to small changes in diet. :( If you suspect GI stasis I would try wet dandelion leaves. If she won't take them, you could put them in a blender and add them to her liquid food.
thanks Maggie.. I will do that.. She isn't eating.. I do see small poops and she is still moving in her cage .. Not staying in the corner.. I got three syringe in her every two hours.. She is not liking me right now. lol..
She looks ok.. but you know when something isn't right.... she is fighting me more .. tonight I will be doing the slurry food .. I hope she will have some of her hay and plantain and oats eaten up by morning.. or I have to do this all over again tomorrow..

-- Thu Aug 07, 2014 1:15 pm --

update.. I just went and checked on her to see how she was doing and she is starting to eat.. the treatment that I use in the water worked... actually it worked faster than I thought.. .. she is going to make it.. yaaaaaa :D
That &*%^(&(!!!! is tough on a rabbit. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

I hate it when I see one acting "weird" because I know da#$%ed good and
well........................it ain't gonna be good.

Glad you caught it in time. Makes ya wonder how many folks "can't" see the
very subtle changes in a rabbits' behavior that are actually "sirens" blasting
............................but no one can hear them.

Homer":33easfdk said:
:congratulations: Mary Ann! Glad she's doing better.
Mary Ann's Rabbitry":33easfdk said:
.. the treatment that I use in the water worked...
...and that would be?
I used neomycin and oxytetracycline in the water... It still be in her water over night .. then I will change it to fresh water ... I use it to kill off the bad bacteria that was starting up in her gut.. Now she has nibbled on some hay .. so it is working .. so no more syringing it .. <br /><br /> -- Thu Aug 07, 2014 4:08 pm -- <br /><br /> AND GRUMPY... I am a long time rabbit breeder.. not as long as you. lol.... so over time you get to know when something just isn't right with your rabbits.. You know what I mean.. if you are not in a rush and stand and watch a little , you can pick out anything .. well I can.. if I don't hear munching and lots of running in the cages.. I watch to see.. and with her it was easy.. she didn't come to the door.. didn't move much and stared in space .. just like a glaze to her .. and wouldn't eat right away.. My rabbits are hungry in the morning. .when they see me.. they get excited.. what is she going to give me this morning.. lol.. So, I did catch her and that was because of a grain change and I decrease my hay because of so much waste.. so now I know .. no more that type of grain and a little more hay..
well.. I didn't really want to say it.. but it was corn.. I ran out of oat and barley mix with my other stuff and the farmer didnt have any on hand .. so I got his mix grain and there was cracked corn in it .. I though will being only one part I was using of it.. it would be ok.. she was the only one out of all my rabbit.. plus being with a sister that was bigger than she was.. could of eaten all the goodies and left mostly corn .. I think that is what happen.. so I think there was to much starch happening ... so I just feed everyone tonight and they didnt get that mix.. Yes,, I am piss at myself.. but now I know .. there is also some corn in the horse feed that I mix in with this mix .. but that little corn isn't going to hurt them.. but with adding that other stuff in replace of... I guess it was to much.. I am lucky she was the only one ..
Don't feel bad about it, Mary Ann. A bit of corn in a mix would not normally cause problems... I used to feed a three-grain scratch with cracked corn, barley and wheat. No issues, but mostly the rabbits left the corn and I would throw it to the chickens. But if Big Sister was eating all the good stuff and only leaving the corn, I could see that MIGHT cause a problem. It is great that your vigilance caught it before she was beyond saving. :goodjob:
thanks Maggie. ..I guess when you share cages .,,the bigger one can be a bit of a pig... Here they don't leave any corn at all.. they love it..
I just like to add.. it wasn't straight cracked corn in the bag.. it was like you said.. wheat,barley and cracked corn in the mix .. came in a 50 or 80 pound bag.. you can feed it to chickens.
It's very acceptable for chickens or even for rabbits in moderation. The reason I stopped feeding it to my critters was that there was too much waste - it often had a lot of grain dust which no one would eat. And the price here kept going up and up... So I switched to straight whole wheat (or occasionally barley) which worked better here and was no more expensive.
AND GRUMPY... I am a long time rabbit breeder.. not as long as you. lol.... so over time you get to know when something just isn't right with your rabbits.. You know what I mean.. if you are not in a rush and stand and watch a little , you can pick out anything .. well I can.. if I don't hear munching and lots of running in the cages.. I watch to see..

It's a difficult "thing" to try and explain....LOL. After years and years of
raising rabbits, one can tell the nearly imperceptible nuances a rabbit in
distress will subtly make. They're "PRO's" at hiding their weaknesses.

It might be just the cock of their ears, or the tight glint around their eyes.
Maybe the way they set their hind-haunches while attempting to appear
"normal". Sometimes.......it's nothing more than "a-feel" you get when
you watch the individual.

"Something's not quite right with you." Goes through my mind when I see
one on the verge of going over the edge of "healthy" to "not so whippy."

It takes a fast re-action on our part to assess and evaluate the subtle
actions a rabbit projects when they're beginning to fail. Quite often it's only a
matter of minutes that makes a huge difference. A difference between life
and death.

Mary Ann's Rabbitry":cxr4ah16 said:
Homer":cxr4ah16 said:
:congratulations: Mary Ann! Glad she's doing better.
Mary Ann's Rabbitry":cxr4ah16 said:
.. the treatment that I use in the water worked...
...and that would be?
I used neomycin and oxytetracycline in the water... It still be in her water over night .. then I will change it to fresh water ... I use it to kill off the bad bacteria that was starting up in her gut.. Now she has nibbled on some hay .. so it isyringing it .. s working .. so no more

-- Thu Aug 07, 2014 4:08 pm --

AND GRUMPY... I am a long time rabbit breeder.. not as long as you. lol.... so over time you get to know when something just isn't right with your rabbits.. You know what I mean.. if you are not in a rush and stand and watch a little , you can pick out anything .. well I can.. if I don't hear munching and lots of running in the cages.. I watch to see.. and with her it was easy.. she didn't come to the door.. didn't move much and stared in space .. just like a glaze to her .. and wouldn't eat right away.. My rabbits are hungry in the morning. .when they see me.. they get excited.. what is she going to give me this morning.. lol.. So, I did catch her and that was because of a grain change and I decrease my hay because of so much waste.. so now I know .. no more that type of grain and a little more hay..

so-- Mary Ann , do you give a probiotic after the antibiotic? [I have tried it without a probiotic and it worked OK sometimes, , but I find it safer to follow antibiotic with a probiotic, or smashed up poop from a healthy rabbit]
so-- Mary Ann , do you give a probiotic after the antibiotic? [I have tried it without a probiotic and it worked OK sometimes, , but I find it safer to follow antibiotic with a probiotic, or smashed up poop from a healthy rabbit

That comment took me back 35+ years in a heart-beat. LOL. Some folks
may not agree with what you said.....but they'd be incorrect. AND...I'll
tell you why. I'd forgotten all about it until I read "smashed-poop".

Back in the late 70's to early 80's I bought and sold large exotic birds.
Cockatoo's, African Grey's, Amazon's, and Macaw's. I had a beautiful Moluccan
Cockatoo that nearly died....I had over a grand tied up in the bird. That
was A LOT of money back then. My vet bill was astronomical and still no
change for the better in the bird. I felt sure he had only hours to live.

On a whim, I called an elderly lady that had kept large birds all of her life.
I told her my situation and she sort of "chuckled" over the phone before
she asked me, "Do you have a healthy Moluccan available?"

I did and I told her so, but. "Why do you want to know?"

"Feed your sick bird....some healthy crap!"

""HUH??"" I thought the old gal had lost her marbles. But, I figured I didn't
have a heckuva lot to lose, so I did what she said. Within 24 hours the bird
turned the corner and began improving. Eventually, it was if he'd never been
sick a day in his life.

35 years ago, animal husbandry, especially anything "non-farm or cat or dog"
was still very much in the dark-ages. We've came a long ways. :p :p

Smashed poop...............WORKS.

because it was less than 24 hours on it.. I don't think so.. I know all about it as I have chickens.. I feed yogurt to my birds to get there gut going good.. and my dogs also get yogurt also.. but you cant give to rabbits you have to use a different form and I use it the same thing for horse.. but my god ,it is expensive.

yes,, I knew about the smash poop.. but it has to be the night poop.. not just the normal poop..
Just relating the advancement of "knowledge" acquired over the years......
and the "Why" of it. :|

As for the bird..........I Know what I know. He was more dead than alive.
Quarantine birds were fed a regimen of antibiotics over a period of weeks,
successfully killing all bacteria in the gut..............the good and the bad.

The mortality rate was astronomical through quarantine. How any survived
is a lesson in the inhumanity of it all. We've advanced as a society in the way
we have learned to better the medical treatment of animals.

Comparing today's knowledge to that of 30+ years ago is the difference
between night and day. We have an overall better understanding of what
works well and what doesn't work at all.

I've raised nearly every kind of critter that's got feathers. Some were
nearly impossible to raise, while others were extremely easy. Aviculture is
a complex and unique pastime.

I like rabbits better.............though.