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I'm so bad with giving names, it sometimes takes years. I go by character too, or other things...

Like stereotypes linked with names.

Red, Dotty, Dicker (fatty) well, that's their appearance. My first buck had a lot of NZ blood in him which made him look much more stocky than my other rabbits, hence the name, he wasn't that fat.

 Dotty because she's a broken and has dots on her forehead that made her easily distiguishable from her siblings, she's my second free roam house bunny and cuddlebun for my buck.

Red, well, that's her colour, mostly. A shy girl, daughter and living partner of Fury.  when I need to handle her biting is her stress relieve. She's 10 now, and needs some attention, plucking fur when shedding, putting eye drops in her blind right eye, and this summer butt baths and fur trimming was necessary. After Fury died this year I keep all my 4 does (and 2 doelings that need to go soon) together.

Herr Hase (Mr. Bunny) was my second buck, first intentional free roam house bunny. I call my rabbits with "Hase Komm!", and they come running, so it was what I used anyway. He devreloped a crippling spine issue, only bunny I had "put to sleep" , stillk somewhat  traumatized because I feel like I failed caring to the best of possibilities (found out later that Meloxicam needs a MUCH higher dose than my vet thinks).

Magda, well, for a long time she was "the gray", but her character was reminded me of a farmgirl, or maidservant (Magd in german). Docile, stubborn but content.

Fury, Die Schwarze, well, she almost succeded in killing me twice and destroyed my apartment when she was in Myxo quarentine for 8 months, was the most Alpha I ever met, other rabbits, dogs, cats - all no match.

Chantal, well, I'm not sure if that name holds the same connotation as it does in german, not too bright, somewhat slutty, but likeable. There was pretty successfull german movie, "**** you Göthe" that cemented that stereotype. And it does fit her personality perfectly, not too smart, but she managed to get pregnant without my consent more often than any other, well, except Fury, but she was a breeding doe for 7 years, Chantal developed problems (EC) at 5 and is retired now.

Ruth. Well, I couldn't decide on a name for a long time and just called her "Mausi" because she's partly agouti and that's just a generic pet name. There is a retired Teacher in my village, a very nice lady, that everyone calls "Mausi". Most here do not know her real name. I let my rabbits roam free outside the fence sometimes, and when calling them home one day in a neighbours yard the wrong Mausi responded. Her real name, that nobody uses, is Ruth. The quite similiar positive character traits (friendly, uncomplicated) made that name swap easy.

My current herd buck, free roaming my house and front yard with Dotty now, is Pacino, after Scarface, when he was young his nose looked awful, I thought it was he stuck ninto the does hutches and got bitten, by now I think it was mosquito bites.

My latest addition to the herd, Hansi, a young buck I needed just 3 days to build up enough trust to catch him by hand, and adopted him from the breeder he escaped from, well, he got the name of my father who died about the time that boy was born. He's a beauitiful, striking, athletic, open to new things, strong, fearless guy, a hit with the ladies. I think it's a fitting name.

Right now I have a 7 month old aguotri doe that is still without a name. I would need some time to spend with her, not going to happen in the foreseeable future...
