Rabbit feed deal at Target

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2012
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Southern Oregon
My local Target has 4 pound bags of rabbit feed on clearance at 70% off right now. I cleaned them out and got 40 pounds of feed for 14 dollars.

If your local Target is on a similar schedule with their clearance, you may find a similar deal.
Be sure to check the manufacturing date. If the feed is more than three months old, vitamins A & E may be degraded.

I would supplement with fresh foods high in those nutrients to make up for the lack if so.
I only buy 50# bags, anything else is just too expensive
I did laugh the other day, I was in Wally World getting rabbit food (feed section, and YEAH THEY ARE THE ONLY PLACE TO BUY MANA PRO, or I can get local (issues, and NOT continuously produced, so your bag can be quite old) Anything else starts at 28+ a bag)

She got a 8# bag of Kaytee with the stupid 'treats' and a little bag of hay
For what she was paying, she could have bought a 50# bay of Manna Pro (literally 30 feet away in the warehouse/feed section) and a 40# bale of Timothy hay...
The French Angora doe that I purchased a month ago came with the remains of a Kaytee feed bag. The previous owner told me "oh, and she hates the pellets in that". I was afraid I might have a picky eater and have trouble moving her over to pellets and sprouted grains. NOT SO! She gobbled down all the pellets and grains I could give her. She has only just started slowing down to a more normal eating speed and quantity. She was starving on that "pet food" garbage!
All I see at Target is that Kaytee Pet-Crack stuff....I would not feed that if they gave it to me for free.
Guess we're lucky. Found out our local "convenience store" carry's rabbit feed too 16% in the 50# bags. Rabbits seem to like it and it costs $13.00 a bag! :)

Keep in mind this "convenience store" is called "Mooses Country Store" and *not* a 7-11 or Circle K type store! LOL they actually sell all kinds of feed! It's were we get our dog food too. :)
It is the Kaytee stuff at Target.

Not the greatest stuff on earth, but it is dirt cheap and can always mix with feed mill stuff.<br /><br />__________ Thu Feb 14, 2013 7:01 pm __________<br /><br />Update on the cheap rabbit food.

My bunnies will not eat it! They pick out the pellets and leave the fu fu food stuff in the feeders.

So I quit giving it to them and tried it on my chickens. They love it!

So rather than cheap rabbit food, I have cheap chicken treats.
Frecs":2pzq782y said:
The French Angora doe that I purchased a month ago came with the remains of a Kaytee feed bag. The previous owner told me "oh, and she hates the pellets in that". I was afraid I might have a picky eater and have trouble moving her over to pellets and sprouted grains. NOT SO! She gobbled down all the pellets and grains I could give her. She has only just started slowing down to a more normal eating speed and quantity. She was starving on that "pet food" garbage!

It amazes me how expensive the specialty pet food rabbit stuff is and how little nutrition it contains. I have a friend who thinks I'm horrible, that I deprive my rabbits because I give them plain Mana-brand pellets (their "gro" variety I think) and plain hay...no treats, usually...yet somehow my "deprived" rabbits who eat such a "boring" fare are much healthier than her precious pet bunny. :roll:

Same holds true for a lot of dog foods and cat foods. :(
Nothing like realizing you forgot to stop at the feed store on Saturday...mid day SUNDAY.....OOPS! Yeah...paid $10 for a 5 lb bag of nasty feed at petco because of it....ugh. They really didn't eat it as well, ate a bit of the pellets and oats and I made sure to give them lots of fresh hay. Won't be making THAT mistake again!
My mom works at target and has had her eye on it for a while now. It was 1.60 for 4 lbs, and she gets 10% off too.
I mixed 4lbs with about 10 lbs of my regualar food... My rabbits picked through the feed to get the larger pellets and weird stuff in the frou-frou feed! a few hours later they went back and ate the regular. There are dehydrated carrot chunks in it, and they were quite large, I used them as goat treats!
I work for Target as well. :)

Get some really nice clearance deals on a regular basis. Just have to fight off my fellow team members sometimes.
bilder":19ivw15s said:
It is the Kaytee stuff at Target.

Not the greatest stuff on earth, but it is dirt cheap and can always mix with feed mill stuff.

__________ Thu Feb 14, 2013 7:01 pm __________

Update on the cheap rabbit food.

My bunnies will not eat it! They pick out the pellets and leave the fu fu food stuff in the feeders.

So I quit giving it to them and tried it on my chickens. They love it!

So rather than cheap rabbit food, I have cheap chicken treats.

Well, at least the chickens enjoyed it! :lol:
BroodCoop":2q2rrpls said:
50% increase in prices in a year, it's a good thing there is no inflation.
I dont think so unless we have another drought in which case 50% will be almost a sure thing. Most people have finally realized corn ethanol is a scam and hopefully once the subsides are done that mess will shut down and disappear and lower corn prices which will allow more land to be put back into hay again. Although you are right if inflation continues to rise we will be sending more grain to Asia and shorten the supply here.