Rabbit Eye Questions?

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2013
Reaction score
Western Michigan
Hey everyone! I haven't been on in ages, but I'm back! I have a couple of questions...

#1 is about Bandit, my 2 year old Mini Lop buck. He seems to have a lot of watery discharge coming from his eyes. They look, smell and feel exactly like human tears. I might be paranoid, but I'm just wondering if this is bad?

#2 is concerning Little Bit, my 8 month old Silver Fox doe. She has been pregnant once and ate the babies. I did a health checkup today and waved my hand in front of her face, but she didn't move or blink and was perfectly relaxed. I even flicked (don't worry I didn't touch her) at her eye, and she didn't blink or move. I tried waving, flicking, dropping a rag directly in front of her eye, and got the same result. Her eye doesn't look like anything's wrong with it, however I think she may be blind or at least partly blind/terrible eyesight. What do you think?
Hi duchess, I am no expert but it sounds like your buck may just have some irritant in his eyes,maybe dust or pollen. Have you tried a tea compress? I have seen that recommended for sore eyes .
As for your doe,.......I have a Lil Bitz too :lol: .......I have no idea? Maybe try shining a pen light and see if you get a reaction?
I hope someone with more experience chimes in soon, for now at least I can bump you to the top again... :cool: .
And welcome back!! <br /><br /> -- Wed Nov 12, 2014 7:23 pm -- <br /><br /> Thought I'd check back to see how your buns are..any improvement?

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