Rabbit eats rubber bands. Please help!

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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2016
Reaction score
South Africa
I was letting my cross-breed REW buck, Olaf, run in my room today.
I didnt notice a rainbow loom necklace laying on the floor by the shelf.
My little sister noticed him chewing it. She said she saw him eat two or three at the most.
I am very worried that he might die.
Any advice?
I am very worried and praying that he will survive. Am i over reacting?
Please help!!!!
:( :(
Hi, I would say it's not time to panic, I don't think they would swallow something too big to pass through easily, but I would watch closly how much he eats, drinks and poops for the next days. And offer unlimited hay.

In case something is out of the ordinary I would start with giving him a belly massage, that doesn't hurt anyway, and even my "touch me there and I kill you"-doe actually liked it when she had tummy problems.
Sorry everyone, I was over reacting. I care very much about my baby ( Olaf) and get easy worried about him.
Thanks! It made me feel much better. Sorry, as I said, I do tend to worry about him too much!
I don't think you were overreacting at all. I got my first bunny eight years ago, and I still get worried every time one of them gets into trouble. It just shows that you care. :)

I hope Olaf feels better soon. :good-luck:
sorry I don't have any help, but I hope he gets better soon!
@WinterWolf and Bug4H:
Thanks! <br /><br /> -- Sat May 14, 2016 4:19 am -- <br /><br /> Olaf is completely fine. I'm so glad he is ok!

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