Quick breeding questions

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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2012
Reaction score
New Jasper, Ohio
So I went outside today around 2:30 to feed the buns and my first time doe has pulled fur and made a nice nest, but i noticed theres a very small amount of blood, and what looked like a frozen clot the size of a pea down on the bottom, no babies. I flipped her over gently and it doesnt look like shes had a litter yet.

My questions are is the blood normal? And how soon do you think she will have her kits? This is day 28 for her.

This is my first litter in 8 years so im a little rusty on these things. Thanks!
I'll leave it someone more experienced to answer the question regarding blood. Although, I can tell you that it is perfectly normal for a little blood to be present after a does has given birth.

As far as when she will deliver, it depends on the doe. Some does will build a nest a few days before, some does will build the nest right before the kits come. If it comes to day 35 and no kits, I would re-breed.
My doe expelled about 1/4 cup of blood but then had 12 healthy kits 2 days later. When I researched the possible cause I learned about them having aborted kits in one of their uterine horns and it not being completely absorbed but looking like clots and blood. Once she starts contractions, this horn empties first since there are no melon headed kits blocking the way.
Yes, a little blood before delivery is normal. Its a sign of impending labor. In humans its called bloody show.
Thanks everyone for your help, we are so excited for this litter, our last litters we bred for never took, and the one before was on the wire dead.

So since october, we have been praying for babies!

We were afraid she had them and ate them. lol honestly.
If she had cannibalized her litter, you would find evidence if there were more than just a couple kits..The fact she has built a nest, indicates she has a clue--
I'll cross my fingers for you!!
thank you :)<br /><br />__________ Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:14 am __________<br /><br />help!!! i was checking her nest just a minute ago and found a small frozen kits head...it was way down on the bottom..stupid question but did she have her full litter? misscarriage?? whats going on?????
all i have is mint, i will get some fruity ones tomorrow, i felt her birth canal and didnt feel anything, lord i hope she has a litter...

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