Question about housing

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Dec 6, 2012
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Hello everyone! I'm still researching things before bringing home my first rabbits. I will be getting a french angora rabbit after everything is ready for them to move in. I have a question about housing.

One area that I'm considering using for them is a concrete patio. Would it be better to build a raised platform for the hutch and run to be on? What material would be best for the run in this situation?

If we use this area, I will be providing the rabbit with a container grass garden to nibble on.

Thanks for all of your help.

As long as you can provide protection from wind and precipitation, your rabbit should be fine. I have most of my rabbits in an area between two sheds, with a roof over the structure.

Wool breeds are high maintenance, so being in a wire cage is the easiest way to keep them clean and their fur free of debris.

I would suggest having a wire floor at least, but if you decide to go with a solid bottom, I have found with my Jersey Woolys that the pelleted pine bedding works well. It breaks down into a fine sawdust which doesn't cling to and mat the fur.

For ideas on alternative cages or runs, you may want to visit the Colony Raising forum. Keep in mind that rabbits will both chew on and pee on wood, so there will be more cage maintenance.
I understand about the wire cages being easier to keep the rabbits clean. I just wanted to give the rabbit more room to run around. Most of the wire cages I have seen are either the stacking kind or designed for indoor use. Neither of those options seem to give the rabbit much room to hop around.

Perhaps they won't require as much space to run around as what I'm thinking of. What would be considered an appropriate cage size for a french angora?
ARBA recommends cage sizes of 24" deep and 26" to 36" wide for breeds under 11lbs. If your cage is more than 24" deep, it can be difficult to reach the rabbit if it doesn't want to be caught. A cage 36" long would be adequate in my opinion, but it is always nice to give more space if you can. Make certain to have a large door so it is easy for you to reach the back corners.

You could make a run-out pen on the concrete and give the rabbit play time. That way you could make sure to sweep up any leaves or debris before letting it out to minimize your grooming chores. :)
Thanks for the size suggestions. As I said, I'm still learning :)

I will be giving mine extra room to roam. One of the advantages of only having a few :)
