Question about Breeding

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Dec 11, 2011
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I was wondering if the female could raise her kit if the male is in the same cage? And if I can remove the female? She has already pulled all the fur. I didn't know she was pregnant. (btw this is a different story from my other post a few months ago.)<br /><br />__________Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:28 pm ___________<br /><br />Sorry I put this in the wrong section. I am new to the forum thing.
No, the male should be removed from the cage. Leave the doe in the same cage. Are you saying that she has pulled fur? Does she have a nest box to kindle (give birth) in? If not, you should give her one right now. It there is already a big pile of fur in the cage, did you check to see if there were already kits under that fur or not?
I put in a nest box with hay init and the female started putting the rest of her fur in there and left the rest just there, so i put the rest of the fur that was laying on the side, inside the nest box, and in about ten minutes i go back out and there is a baby and I have checked on her ever since.<br /><br />__________Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:24 pm ___________<br /><br />I put in a nest box with hay init and the female started putting the rest of her fur in there and left the rest just there, so i put the rest of the fur that was laying on the side, inside the nest box, and in about ten minutes i go back out and there is a baby and I have checked on her ever since. And thing i found weird was that the male was helping the female put the fur in the nest box. (idk if that is normal or what, and whenever i open the cage door he thumps on the ground. never seen him do this before.
It's okay, ValencianFigs, I'll move the topic for you.

Generally speaking it is better to remove the buck. Sometimes he will interfere with the doe's kindling in his eagerness to breed her again. Bucks seem to find kindling does irresistible.

In this case he seems to be behaving himself, but be aware that by now he has likely already bred her again and she could have another litter next month. If she only has one in the nest, she is probably not finished kindling.
If the cage is large enough you can leave does and bucks together provided they have good attitudes but some will become violent, sometimes the buck will injure a kit trying to breed the doe because she's ready to mate again right after kindling, and bucks tend to just be excessively annoying to does. Even if they share the cage without harm to each other the doe eventually gets very grumpy with anything and everyone because of the constant harassment by the buck so it's best to only keep bucks with does when there are several does in a large pen to spread out his attention. Otherwise I don't put them together for more than a couple weeks and only rabbits I know are laid back and in large cages. You will also keep having kits every 4-5weeks so long as a buck and doe are kept together.
Lol, ok thanks, I will remove him, see the issue is that i was told that they were both females, doesnt look like it now. But thanks for the information it helped alot.

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