Pulling fur!

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Jun 14, 2015
Reaction score
Fairmount, Illinois
Today I was making my normal rounds checking on all the rabbits. Now lately I admit I've been watching Luna (the doe I've been posting a lot about) more than the other girls. So once again nothing in Luna's nestbox. I tossed some food in with Cloudy, and make my way to Oswins, and "B's" cage. They hop around like normal, nothing new really, until I looked into the nest box. No kits, but mounds of white fur! O.O I checked both girls, and Oswin has fur missing from her tummy right now she is at day 18. I am crossing my fingers so hard!!!!!!!


macksmom98":2o8s8nza said:

-- Thu Oct 15, 2015 11:40 am --

She's only day 18?

Pulling fur on day 18 usually results in a false pregnancy.
Ramjet":30762rvp said:
macksmom98":30762rvp said:

-- Thu Oct 15, 2015 11:40 am --

She's only day 18?

Pulling fur on day 18 usually results in a false pregnancy.

Not necessarily! ;) Some does may pull at the last minute and some very early. I've had my first doe have plenty of false pregnancies but no matter what, she pulls very early. Her first litter with me she pulled after the FIRST week of pregnancy. (She had 8 kits that litter) 2nd litter was 14 days before she pulled, and didn't turn out to be a false pregnancy. :)
Hurry up and wait!

It could be worse .... This time of year is always frustrating for me as I shut down breeding from June thru September because of the heat .... Yesterday was October 15th and the high for the day was ..... 92.

Out of four breeding's I have one litter of three kits to show for it. The freezer camp is empty and the recovery period for heat sterility can be as much as 70 days .... Three litters due on 11-1 all to first time does who were not 100% cooperative. It could be December before I have any volume of kits.

Next year I hope to have a climate controlled rabbitry .... so I can breed year round.
I thought one of my American Blue's was never going to kindle AGAIN! She missed with her second breeding attempt (my thought is due to heat sterility for the buck as both girls missed) but I put her in to be bred on 9/12--nothing no fall off--NADA--she planted flat against the bottom of the cage. Placed her in again on 9/15---grunts and nips---9/18--biting-me and him! So I figured I would consider her bred as this was a huge temperment change.....so there came the LOOOONG wait. Day 28 box went in......Day 32- right on cue she was haystaching ALL DAY! She kindled overnight! 9 born, 8 living with a beautiful nest of fur!! I feel your pain on the wait! Hope your doe pops for you soon!

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