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How many Rabbits do you currently own?

18-25 breeding animals

How long have you owned your rabbit/rabbits for? 2.5 years

Do you own a Hutch for your rabbit/s? If yes, what kind of Hutch and what is the estimated size?

Commercially built all wire cages, stacked with trays.

13 - 24x24


21 - 30x24

18- 12x24

Have you ever faced any problems with the you own or previously owned? (such as Rabbits escaping, chewing the hutch, etc) - only because some of the used cages I purchased had holes cut for equipment and I didn't notice.

Have you ever had the need to buy a new hutch? If yes, why?

Yes, because I had space to fit another cage

Do you own a run for your rabbit? If yes, did you build it yourself or did you buy it? NO

Have you faced any problems when you are trying to clean your rabbits hutch? - NO

Stacked Wire cages with trays - weekly cleaning the trays is usually sufficient - sometimes nee to use a wire brush on the corners as my does tend to potty in the same corner and create a pile.

Annually - pull all the cages and power-wash... torch the metal and scrub the trays with a bathroom toilet cleaner.

While owning your rabbit, have you had to make any adjustments to the current hutch to meet their needs? (such as adjusting the sizes of parts of the hutch) - no

Do you face any problems when trying to feed your pets? no

Are there any other animals in your area that are dangerous to your rabbits? if yes, what are they? - dogs on the farm - rabbit cages are contained in a secure horse stall with blocker at the bottom of the stall door to prevent dogs from crawling under.
