Processed three rabbits not looking right

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
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near London, Ontario
1. little holland lop doe.. who for the past couple of days has been drinking COPIOUS amounts of water and not eating. She looked normal within, nothing amiss EXCEPT her kidneys were a paler colour then normal, she had fecals in lower gut, an empty upper gut and a stomach swollen with water and a wee bit of what looked like slurried Pellets.

2. Meat kit that looked to go off feed due to drastic change in weather and tons of rain.... had gotten soaked due to "I"ll sit by the open end and get soaked and if you put something up to block the wind/rain I'll sit in the one tiny spot that's open for good air flow and get soaked again". He looked normal internally but had gelatinous poop in the last three inches of his intestine and an empty belly. No gas in his upper intestine.

3. Meat kit ... in with stupid rabbit. Looked and acted fine just didn't eat today and figured it was time to do him anyways. This kit had a full belly of hay (no pellets). Gelatinous gunk in his upper intestine, full bladder and empty lower intestine. I expected some gas but there was none....


I'm thinking with the later two.. simply weather related. A quick pop up of entropathic illness (just at the end of the danger period).

The doe has me a bit confuddled. This is a young doe who I was looking at culling at some point as she had random days of going off feed but staying perky and then eating again by the next feeding (I feed twice a day so it would either be a morning or evening feed she'd not be interested in but then would be scarfing down food the next time). Just not meeting my health standards which continue to tighten. <br /><br /> -- Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:21 pm -- <br /><br /> Hmm.... Kidney from that little doe had a growth on it.
A white mass. Think I now know what wrong with her.